• donuts@kbin.social
    9 months ago

    So, if you think that this case is meritless because, “key,” U.N. members don’t support it

    No, the accusation is meritless because there is little evidence to support it:

    “This killing is nothing short of destruction of Palestinian life,” South African lawyer Adila Hassim

    There are upwards of 2 million Palestinians in Gaza alone, and if Israel’s intention was to inflict destruction of Palestinian life, wouldn’t there be far more than 20,000 of Palestinians dead? And, if the goal was genocide, why would Israel be only focusing Gaza and not the West Bank where there are upwards of 3 million? Not to mention the population of ethnic Palestinians who live or work safely and peacefully inside of Israel.

    The world has seen genocide many times, from the American genocide of Native People, to the Armenian Genocide, to the Holocaust. Jews know first hand what a ethnic genocide looks like, and this ain’t it.

    It really doesn’t matter who does or doesn’t support accusations, or who are allies with who, because legal matters are not democratic and instead based on evidence.

    Now when it comes to Hamas, on the other hand, they have made it easy by writing their genocidal intent directly into their founding language. They said their quiet part out loud on day 1, and while they’ve tried to legitimize themselves by moderating their official language, they clearly haven’t moderated their actions. Their allies and backers have made it equally clear that their intent is the complete destruction of Israel and Israeli Jews.

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
    to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as
    such: (Genocide Convention, Article II)

    Please don’t omit the parts that hurt your argument, it’s a waste of time and it doesn’t work or help.

    Remember when you said:

    it’s not a, “two-way genocide,” if only side can actually commit genocide, right?
    Genocide isn’t just a declaration in a charter, it is a specific series of actions against an ethnic group,

    The Genocide Convention does not support your original claim that Hamas’ actions cannot be considered genocide because they aren’t capable. The part that you omitted is very clear that intent is everything.

    Killing members of the group (check); Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (check);

    What? By that definition alone, every war in human history could/should be labeled a genocide.

    That doesn’t pass the smell test, and its why you’re not doing a service to your argument by omitting inconvenient parts of definitions. It’s doing these things “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” that meets the criteria for genocide under the Genocide Convention.

    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (check);

    I’m not sure what you’re citing here, as it links to an entire CNN news feed.

    Not that it’s relevant, because as we’ve just established, you’ve omitted important language from your mischaracterized version of the definition.

    But to get back to it, it is Hamas whose intent (as expressed in their founding charter and many times since) and actions (as perpetrated on and after October 7th) most certainly meet the Genocide Convention standards for genocide that you’ve (at least partially) listed here.

    Finally, you seem very concerned with what could happen while ignoring what is happening.

    …You seem to have lost the thread on your own argument: that Hamas’ actions cannot be considered genocide as the don’t have the capacity to pull it off. (Which, again, is an ass-pull and not consistent with the Genocide Convention definition in the slightest.)

    Hamas, combined with its allies and backers, absolutely have the capability to murder massive numbers of Israeli civilians. They have also all expressed genocidal intent against Israel at various points in time. Israel is facing attacks from multiple Islamic militant groups as we speak.

    These are not opinions, but facts.

    If not for Israel’s ability to defend itself from these very real attacks, a direct result of ~$130 Billion of US military aide since its inception, we would be seeing massive numbers of Israeli civilians dead from the very real attacks on Israel during this war.

    The fact that Israel is able to defend itself from most of Hamas attacks, has no bearing on the classification of this war as a genocide. American investment in Israeli defense has helped save countless lives of innocent Israelis from a daily volley of missiles from openly genocidal, Iran-backed groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.