Mine is the lag in Stellaris, and lack of options to let me impact it. Like let me disable the ability for the AI to make habitats FFS!
Progress bars going to 100%. Many games are guilty of this, Baldur’s Gate 3 most recently. If 100% are loaded, why am I seeing the loading screen still? The game should be starting. You’re clearly not at 100% if I’m still watching the loading screen. It should be impossible to see a fully filled progress bar.
Artificially make progress bars stop at 99% if you must, it’s still better than watching 100% being a clear lie.
Are you playing MP? I’ve never seen this but I would suspect it’s done loading and simply waiting for the other players
No, this is in single player. Both when I load the main menu and the game. On a brand new pc, too.
I would take no progress bar at all. Progress bars are inaccurate because the time it takes for an action to be done on a computer is unpredictable.
It also causes an illusion of something loading faster.
Progress bars are bad indicators for representing remaining work or time, but it’s a decent indicator that something is still being done. Though it’s uncommon these days, I remember several instances of older games that has stopped loading. Showing the same percent for a minute is a decent indicator that something has gone wrong.
While I don’t care for percent as a displayed number, I do enjoy some kind of indicator showing that the loading is progressing.
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In Pokemon Blue version, Charizard can’t learn fly.
Don’t worry, your Pidgey can just fly you around :D
Not with that attitude. The amount of glitches and ACE you can do in Gen 1 are pretty rediculous.
True. I remember being able to escape from the league with an escape rope if I did it in the area corresponding to Lance that bent around twice before getting to the room.
It turns out, after it all came out , there really was a Mew at the truck iirc
Mission control wont let us bring steve back to the spacerig. 😭
I googled it… is steve a giant creepy bug with a giant maw?
Steve is an adorable loving companion who will fight to the death to save his friends.
(He is also a giant creepy bug with huge teeth).
Oh, he is puppy and friend.
I now understand, he needs to come with us and to have a little section for how many little Steve’s we have successfully brought home and can like see them all running around together.
Never played the game but I get it, I have pack bonded with Steve and he needs to get to safety.
Well… Now I’m sad
After doing proper research I am now in love with Steve and am HIGHLY offended that he can’t come home with us.
He is best boy, and I want to be able to not only bring them back home with me, but have a room filled with every Steve I have ever rescued so they can all be friends together.
Steeve is a good bug … maybe even the best.
So dont wait! Adopt steeve today! And become a … slightly less … grumpy dwarfen miner
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It’s a bit more than a pet peeve but I’m a little bummed it’s not a whole universe where you get to fly the space station around as a ship.
It’s such a cool game. Best use of procedural level generation ever IMO.
Inventory Management. Doesn’t matter what game it is. If you can get over-encumbered and it’s not relevant to the game play like a survival crafting game or something I fucking hate it. There’s no reason I should have to make 40 trips to pick everything up in a Skyrim dungeon if I want to. It just wastes time.
In a similar vein on skyrim, what’s the point of having merchants have limited money when fast travel/wait is a thing?
All it does is make me spend 10 minutes fast traveling to all the towns to sell my stupid dragon bones. What does that even add? It doesn’t add difficulty or immersion. Because of the dumb encumbrance, I can’t continue playing the game until I sell all this crap, so I gotta deal with it sooner or later.
Guess I’m the weird one. I regularly use mods which give me less carry capacity and add other restrictions and such realism mods. Like, you don’t have to take everything of value. It always felt weird to me that level 1 chars can carry like 300lbs/kgs/whatever of junk around and still fight effectively.
I suppose this falls under the realism category. No vendor in a “real world with fantasy elements” has infinite money and buys everything from you. And in the early game you can’t fast travel everywhere. Combine this and you get a reasonable game mechanic that restricts too fast player advancement in especially the early game.
Later on you can develop a skill that lets you sell to every merchant.
I despise hub worlds - don’t make me walk around a map to access menu options. I’m currently playing Division 2 and can’t stand to find all of the people to just play the game.
The number of games that do this is to long to list: Destiny, Darktide, Fireteam.
Imagine Tarkov with a hub instead of menus. 🤢
Yup. So many games mess this up. You CAN do a good hub world, but it needs to have lots of interesting things in it, not just glorified menu options
I’ve always liked how the banjo kazooie games did it. Rather than being a hub world, they had a lot of stuff to do that it makes the “worlds” into sub-worlds
Ugh this is why I can’t play Vanilla mount and blade warband.
In every single city you enter, you have to find the important people to talk to. They all are the exact same people, but you have to find them. And they are all in different places in the city, but there is absolutely nothing else interesting in the city to find. Like there are no secrets, you just have to wander the city looking for the Quest Giver in an otherwise bland city.
Every single mod ever simply adds a button you can click saying “Speak to guild master”
Not my favorite game, but one I’ve been playing a lot recently is Deep Rock Galactic and I absolutely hate how most menus are physical terminals you have to walk up to interact, it’s unecessary busywork. And the baffling part is you can press tab to open the mission select menu, but that’s it, no other shortcuts! Why even have multiple in-game terminals?!
And to a lesser degree, the crassus detonator enemy. I absolutely despise spotting one in-game because I just know I’m going to be forced to spend the next 15 minutes mining a gold sphere inside out, it completely and utterly destroys the game flow. In summary, it blows up when dead and anything nearby in a big sphere turns into gold, the slowest mineral to mine in-game. Usually when I’m soloing I just ignore the gold, but cooping I usually don’t get the satisfaction. It’s infuriating because it’s such a simple fix, make it drop gold nuggets instead of making the scenary around it gold, but no, gotta ruin the game flow for whatever reason.
The first is a game design point and no matter how much you dislike it, it very probably participated in the game’s success. It gives a better immersion and they did a good job at actually making the rig pleasant to go through and/or waste time in.
Crassus are straight up a waste of time though yeah, and it’s a bit sad.
I agree that mining crassus spheres is pretty tedious, so I just… don’t. It’s just some gold.
However there is kind of a faster way to do it. If you have a driller with you, he can drill out the terrain surrounding the sphere. Once the sphere has been totally disconnected from the terrain, it collapses in to a pile of nuggets in the middle. It still takes a while, but it’s a lot faster than pickaxing the gold.
Yeah I’ve got more gold now than I’ll ever need. Same for the gold in sea of thieves.
It must be hard to make an in-game currency that’s easy to get in the beginning but actually provides some challenge later on too.
The crosshairs/reticule in Elder Scrolls Online. I know it can be disabled with a mod, but the fact that disabling it when your weapon is sheathed is not a basic setting is completely baffling.
Oh man that just reminded me of how when I tried playing skyrim last as a wizard, the thing that made me want to quit was the stupid slow mo that would happen when you “might” get a killing blow with a range attack.
Because sometimes you would get the slow-mo then your attack would miss.
Like WTF is that about.
Bethesda makes some HARD choices about what you must enjoy at all times.
Bethesda is like low-hanging fruit for this topic. I love their games but there’s so much “it just works” type stuff.
Like in Fallout 4 you can use a critical with a Fat Man, and even if your mini-nuke clearly does not hit the target, you’ll still get a hit just because you used a critical.
Witcher 3 doesnt need leveled enemies or loot. There is already a wide enough variety of monsters and equipment to convey player progression, and the leveling only exists to make sure that Geralt is as vulnerable to human enemies at the end of the game as the beginning. That’s great! That’s the kind of world it is. I just don’t think you need constantly increasing hitpoints & a loot treadmill to keep it that way.
Stardew Valley: I really enjoy the game and play it on PC. It saves the game only at end of turn which is a game day. If I’m not able to finish my turn I have to put the computer to sleep instead of shut it down. Also if I make a mistake which is easy to do I have to start from the last save which can lose a good amount of progress and sometimes random pickups. Though it’s my only peeve with the game so it’s still doing better than most.
Another Stardew pet peeve: Not being able to switch tools during animation. You know what I mean, you are mining a stone with your pickaxe, an enemy approaches, you press the hotkey to switch to your sword only to hit him with your pickaxe because the game didn’t switch tools because the mining animation wasn’t over yet
The really annoying thing is that it does work when you select the hotkey slot with your coursor
I wish the lower weapon skills in Morrowind didn’t outright miss and make an unsatisfying “swish” sound. Maybe just reduce the damage or something, the early game is so rough because of this.
I wonder how Morroblivion handled that
Current game pet peeve - the delay after each enemy acts in combat in Baldur’s Gate 3. I absolutely love this game, but big combats take longer than they should because after each enemy acts, there seems to be a 5-10 second delay before moving on to the next.
Favorite game pet peeve - The overall poor performance/memory management in HBS’s Battletech game. Again, love the game, have put nearly 2000 hours into it over the years, but damn the performance can just be painful sometimes.
Ugh turn based games that have overly long turns and don’t let you speed them up is so tilting.
Like I’m here to play a game, not watch the same 10 second cut scene 5000 times.
Yeah I’ve started to knit during battles because of how long it takes sometimes. Especially since my main character is a Barbarian, so she just smashes 2 times and then her turn is done.
Similar when I played her in my actual dnd campaign a few years ago.
I have a 10 year old CPU and I think Baldur’s Gate 3 has better performance than Battletech sometimes.
Idk what id call my favorite but the game im currently playing is Borderlands 3 and the most annoying thing is how much spoken dialog there is. I just want to tell the npcs to shut up. Even with skipping the cut scenes there is still too much talking. The worst part is even if you walk away they still talk over the echonet. I just want to hear the badass music and guns and occasional quip from the enemies. I dont care about how much tyreen wants to suckle the vaults tits, or about her imaginary sub/dom fantasies about me.
You could turn the dialogue audio off, I’d hope there’s a slider. If you’re on PC there’s actually a goddamn mod where you can press a button to skip the currently playing line of dialogue.
I agree, though, there’s a lot of just waiting for the quest dialog to get it over with so you can get to the next objective. I really like BL3, but it does have a lot of caveats.
Mine would be the fact that you can’t sort your inventory by highest sell price. I mean, come on, what were they thinking?!
I am in fact on pc. I didn’t even think about mods. Thank you!
There aren’t many of them, that’s just one I remember seeing. I haven’t used it so I can’t vouch for it working, but it sounds like it’ll solve your problem
God I feel this. The gameplay is so good but having to wait for the annoying characters to shutup is frustrating
Environments you can’t interact with. There’s shit lying around and I’m rolling my way through here. I would really like there to be physics so that the world around me is affected by what I’m doing.
Too many invisible walls. Is it really necessary to stop me from jumping around the courtyard gardens (ff16)? Let me get all up close and personal with the environment. Let me yeet myself off a random cliff.
Related: buildings that you can’t go into. Yes the outside world might be cool and interesting but it’s so much more immersive and realistic if buildings have interiors that you can go into. Half the fun I have in the older Pokémon games is exploring and just checking out the unique towns, listening to the town music etc, but the newest Pokémon games… If it’s a building you can interact with at all, it’s just a menu screen?? No visiting random apartment blocks and department stores?
And then lastly, have few to no NPCs, and if the ones that are there just stand still and don’t do anything. It really annoyed me about so many of the kingdom hearts games, that you have these cool worlds that you’ve seen in movies and are explorable, but in all the spin off titles, there isn’t a single NPC to be found in any of the worlds. It’s so big and empty and boring. Let me allow myself to believe we’re visiting these video game worlds and viewing a snapshot of what fantasy life is like in this video game.
I like playing modern warfare. My pet peeve is twofold
1st, online is completely unplayable because of script kiddies having to cheat because they think their k-d ratios are more important than letting people have fun that want to play it they way it’s designed.
2nd on the campaigns the enemy players can shoot you through walls and kill you, but if you see them and try to shoot them through the walls, the walls become bulletproof.
Another game I like is GTAV online. They should get rid of the ability to buy virtual money packs. Not everyone can afford to pay $100 for $10 million virtual dollars to buy the shit that gives them the essence of i destruct ability. Oppressors come to mind on this. You can steal peoples cars left and right but if you steal an oppressor they can reclaim it while you are in mid flight killing you.
2nd on the campaigns the enemy players can shoot you through walls and kill you, but if you see them and try to shoot them through the walls, the walls become bulletproof.
That first part is why I stopped playing the Resistance series. I really didn’t care for the Auger being able to shoot through walls.
Personally I think if the player can’t shoot through the walls than neither should the npc’s
Any time I can’t pet the dog.