• IceBerg@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    “there still exists Palestine and its people”. No. Before the state of Israel there was the british occupation. Before that the turkish ottoman empire. Before that there was an Egyptian rule and so on and so on. There were wars and the rule of this specific piece of land changed. At no point in history was there ever a Palstinian country. There is no Palestinian that can trace his lineage to some Palestinian hundreds of years ago. During all of history there were both jewish and arabs living in Israel. Calling the jewish people of Israel “colonists” is trying to change history and paint it as if jews came on ships to this country like conquistadors. After WW2, the UN decided that, maybe, after trying to exterminate the jewish people, it would make sense to give them some small pice of land to officially call their own. The arabs, instead of accepting the split launched a war in whclich they lost. And yes, many people were evicted from theor homes. Such is war. Then, they had multiple chances to accept peace offerings and build a country, instead they kept rejecting the offers and kept launching attacks at Israel. Culminating with the oct/7 attack which is where we find ourselves today. As i mentioned earlier, you and many around the world would like the Jews to just die. That won’t happen. What you should be doing is making memes about Hamas and how they keep enriching their leaders pockets and building terror infrastructure instead of helping the Palestinian people.

    • ???@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      At no point in history was there ever a Palestinian country

      Then why did the Brits use the word Palestine?

      There is no Palestinian that can trace his lineage to some Palestinian hundreds of years ago.

      Are you like a disinformation bot??? How do you even suggest to prove this claim???

      • IceBerg@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Wait. To counter my argument that there is no Palestine you provide a snapshot of the mandate recognizing the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land? Doesn’t that counter your arguments? Yes, the british called this peice of land Palestine. Do you know where the name originates from? The Jewish Bible where the Philistines are mentioned as large red headed folk probably originating from somewhere near Greece. So do the current Palestinians claim to be their decendants? Jewish people have always lived in the region of Israel which was under the occupation of numerous other empries. The arab folk living in Israel prior to 1948 can trace their heritages to a myriad of neighboring countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and so forth (Some of their surnames are a clear indication of that).

        • ???@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          You didn’t answer my question. If Palestine never existed then why did everyone in the area call it Palestine?

          Also sorry to break this to you but the Bible is no basis for history or genetics rofl