• EatATaco@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Trumps genius is in his ability to sell himself. The guy got bamboozled by a known fraud, conman, and narcissist.

    It’s not like he came out of nowhere, his bombastic dishonesty was no secret, and he made it crystal clear during the campaign that he had nothing to do with honesty and truth.

    While I hoped he would change his tune when he became president, and held out hope there, it should have come to zero surprise that he is who has always been and giving him the “benefit of the doubt” was being extremely generous, if not outright naive.

    • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Anyone giving Trump any sort of benefit of the doubt even in 2016 could only generously be described as extremely ignorant. Trump had even at the time an extremely proven track record, and all of us proclaiming doom and gloom if he got elected were proven right over and over. The only surprise from any of this is that he didn’t start a war and instead just managed to create enough instability to lead us where we are now with Israel/Palestine and especially Russia/Ukraine. Like, there was a lot of us telling everyone exactly what was going to happen in 2016, whether that was Roe, the racist immigration shit, the threat of a pandemic, the growing wealth inequality, his ability to handle something like Hurricane Maria, etc. We knew he was a rapist then. We knew he was a conman then. He had already mocked the disabled, military families, called hispanics murderers, rapists and drug dealers. He already and still maintained the Central Park Five, who’d long been exonerated, should have been put to death. Fuck’s sake the only reason he started running basically was because he got a lot of attention for the birther bullshit which tbh wasn’t even a dog whistle and he might have just as well had a klan hood on during that whole thing.

      I’m not sure if it’s more an indictment of the media, the education system, or just Republicans working for generations to do exactly what they have that literally anyone could give him the benefit of the doubt.

      Even in this very thread, we’re doing their work for them. Biden’s been a fairly successful president by most normal metrics, and the only thing the media (and half of this thread) want to talk about is that he’s old. Meanwhile, Trump is actually, routinely now showing that he’s losing his faculties and he’s a spry 3 years younger with the diet of a frat party at 2am and the exercise regimen of a russet potato, but yes, let’s really dissect if Biden’s putting out an international fire fast enough as if the alternative in Trump wouldn’t be literally to throw matches and gas at the problem.

      • EatATaco@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        To drive your point home, and I’m not sure if it was here or another thread, but a guy was effectively defending "muh both side”-ing this because democrats hadn’t passed universal health care. Lol it’s insane that this is the discourse now.

        • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          Exactly. Democrats are expected to be adults, while Republicans are treated like toddler’s that have just been given an 8ball and a 6 pack. Like, I saw a non-ironic headline basically saying that keeping the government open was a win for Mike Johnson. Meaning, literally doing their job at all is some kind of a win. And, of course, was he able to do it because he was able to unite his party and get things done? Of course not, it took the adults bailing him out and capitulating because everyone knows if the government was shutdown the story wouldn’t be that a Republican majority can’t even keep the government open, it would be that Democrats didn’t get on board and bail them out.