Just got very lightly flamed by another user for making fun of crypto and was told that Lemmy and crypto have “the exact same advantages and disadvantages”. Now I disagree heavily there, since even if it shares some principles I’d argue that the scale of the problems change when you’re talking about a global finance system versus a social media platform filled with beans. But it did get me curious- how many of you are crypto supporters?

  • ZodiacSF1969@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The name for a system where you get people to buy valueless assets and drive up their price so you can sell yours and leave others holding the bag is: “Ponzi scheme.”

    No, that’s a Greater Fool scheme. A Ponzi is more centralized and the people who get paid out are not supposed to be aware that the money is coming from new investors. Ponzi schemes hide that aspect of it. In a Greater Fool you are betting on someone being dumber than yourself enough to buy your worthless investment at a higher price.

    A lot of crypto is Greater Fool, but there have been crypto Ponzi schemes.

    As a side note, there is a cultural tendency to call all scams Ponzis when they are not. It is a specific type of scam.

    • kescusay@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Huh. I was thinking of the whole scheme being centralized around a few core people who push crypto, but I think you’re right. “Greater fool” is a better label for it. Thanks!

    • sauerkraus@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      It’s a bit of both. The increase in value for those who got in early is propped up by the hype of new bagholders.