• RBWells@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t know, maybe like someone farther down commented, they want tall kids? So I don’t care because I am taller so my kids were all reasonably tall though my ex wasn’t? But if I was short I’d be pulled toward wanting tall guys to make taller kids?

    I’m about 5’9" and honestly the only guys who have been into me (and I’m older now so this is a reasonable sample, lol) are guys 5’8" to 5’11", and what is funny is most didn’t like me to wear heels because that made me taller than them when standing. Tall good, taller bad.

    So I was seeing this as a man-driven phenomenon/choice, my universe of potential partners hasn’t ever seemed to include the really tall guys but it’s possible I have been screening them out - I don’t think so, though.

    • pedalmore@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I think it’s just statistics. I’m a 6’4" dude, which is 99th percentile. A 5’9" woman is also pretty close to the top few percentile (I’m too lazy to look it up). There just aren’t that many of us, so it’s much more likely that they’ll end up with average size partners. I’m just guessing, I can’t see what’s actually going on down there.