What lies in wait for Israeli ground troops in Gaza, security sources say, is a Hamas tunnel network hundreds of kilometres long and up to 80 metres deep, described by one freed hostage as “a spider’s web” and by one expert as the “Viet Cong times 10”.

The Palestinian Islamist group has different kinds of tunnels running beneath the sandy 360-sq-km coastal strip and its borders - including attack, smuggling, storage and operational burrows, Western and Middle East sources familiar with the matter said.

The United States believes Israel’s special forces will face an unprecedented challenge having to battle Hamas militants while trying to avoid killing hostages held below ground, a U.S. official said.

  • Vqhm@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I was literally just having a conversation earlier with someone In another thread calling for the destruction of Israel and for Jews to live under Hamas rule.

    I used to be like you. Went to the rallies. Even met with the leaders, until they showed me they were racist and hated Jews. Didn’t want Israel to exist. Then I realized that both sides were just going to be at each other’s throats till the end of time. Because neither would back down or allow the other to back down.

    In a game of Total destruction there will be no winners. The only way to win is not to play. Yet Hamas has plenty of support to erase Israel, which is hamases official position. This isn’t even the largest conflict happening right now. More people die in conflicts in Africa every day. But it’s more important to hate Jews then discuss what can be done to protect civilians in conflicts with higher casualty rates in Africa…

    I asked how the anti Israeli as a country Hamas supporter would implement dearming and desegregation. I’ve seen it before after the troubles and seen reunification several times. But no response. It’s not about honesty, it’s just spin. Whatever it takes to say Israel has no right to exist is the propaganda.

    Hamas will stop at nothing less than exterminating all Jews. That’s their official stance that Hamas themselves advocate for.

    I won’t fall for this type of mental gymnastics because I’ve been down that road. The leaders of the rallies I went to said they want all Jews dead and their homeland restored to them after the rally was over behind closed doors when they weren’t in front of the media. All that one state solution is just propaganda BS without a chance of happening meant to tug at your heart strings while your cash goes to racists.

    Yea sure let’s trust the hostage takers and child murders not to take any more hostages or murder more Jewish childen if we just open our hearts.

    There are no innocents here and it’s all propaganda.

    • filister@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      So seriously what good are you expecting to come out of this armed conflict.

      I can tell you, nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can’t expect people to be content when they are subject to constant bombardment, that they have lost the roof over their heads, that they lost loved ones are living in makeshift tents struggling every day to find food or clean drinking water, fuel or even electricity.

      I am pretty sure that your life is rather comfortable, you have never experienced any of those, and I am surprised by the lack of empathy in you. You know on the other side of the fence there are also human beings which don’t differ so much from you or me. What about the trauma so many kids would endure, the pain, the lost childhood, etc. And unfortunately as a reaction there would be even more radicalization.

      And in Israel, I can only imagine that far right parties would become a lot more popular, people would get radicalized. Yes, people are getting radicalized on both sides. The difference is that on one side kids are killed for throwing stones, on the other settlers killing Palestinians are not even brought to court or giving effective sentences. How exactly are you expecting people to be content with those double standards. What is the most troublesome thing in my mind is that the West isn’t condemning the atrocities they are committing against Palestinians. Yes, what Hamas did is horrid, but in a way what Israel is doing is even worse.

      And just for perspective, the armed wing of Hamas is 30K, out of 2.4M, do the math, why should the entire population of Gaza suffer?!!

      • Vqhm@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You’re absolutely right. Nothing good is going to come.

        Last chance I thought of any chance of good coming died with Rachel Corrie.

        Wrong about the life tho. I’m a disabled veteran and lived in more countries than I have fingers to count with. Hardship is a part of life. Chop wood, carry water.

        Both sides have backed themselves into a corner with no winners and my sympathy has run out after interacting with those that claim they are the innocents but actually support Hamas behind closed doors.

        If there was a way to erase the mind virus of racism and religion maybe that could end this conflict. But short of God coming down or alien’s showing up and saying the holy books are myth and having time travel to prove it how could that be done? It’s the world we live in and it is going to get worse before it gets better.