• Lightor@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Unless your child ends up struggling with it gender identity. Then your child is at risk of suicide, like many before then, because they have to hide who they are every day and feel hated.

    People are so scared and ignorant about the topic of gender identity. You can’t read a book and turn gay. What you can do is let your child know you accept and love them no matter what, and if they happen to be trans you should realize that they’re still your child. Nothing changes. You’re just telling your child that trans is bad and if you feel that way you’re wrong.

    • fixed_point@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      People love their children in every country and culture. The counterexamples to this are very rare. The concern that people are abusing their children by neglecting to follow gender ideology is extremely naive.

      The fundamental issue with gender/trans ideology is this:

      If your male child tells you that he feels like a girl, what do you do?

      a. Stop loving him and tell him he is wrong.

      b. Tell him he is actually a girl in a boys body, and that he should change his body irreversibly and force other people to also tell him he’s a girl, even when they can clearly see that he’s not.

      c. Continue loving him but insist that he’s a boy, and should appreciate the way he was born. He may be an effeminate boy, or a gay boy (he might find out later), but at the end of the day still a boy.

      Let me assert that (a) never happens. What do you think is better for the boy in the long run? Having everyone maintain his delusions or learning early on to accept reality?

      • Lightor@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        No counter examples are not rare. Go to a trailer park or the inner city. I’ve lived in both and there are plenty of parents who don’t give a fuck. You sound like you’re coming from a place of massive privilege to think that.

        Me thinking people are abusing their children because they demonize gender identity is naive, when it causes an increase in suicide in areas that suppress it? You need to do more research, again, what a narrow, privileged mindset.

        Lol, I love how massively skewed point B is. There’s no middle ground or nuance, we have to give sex changes to children. Jesus man.

        And point C is literally telling him his feelings aren’t valid and he’s wrong. You’re telling him to repress who he is, which is why LGBT suicide rates are way higher in religious areas.

        You said A never happens. You are dead wrong. I’ve seen it happen. Do any research on how religious people areas treat this. I know people from both the Mormon faith and Jehovas witnesses that have been fully shunned by their families for being gay or trans. It’s literally part of their doctrine. So you saying it never happens is beyond ignorant. You’re speaking about things you clearly know very little about, you come across as living in a boomer white suburba where everyone thinks the same and there is no diversity.

        Also, you end it all by calling his gender identity a delusion. Going back to the fact that you think being trans is a sickness. Just like people thought being gay was a sickness. It’s an ignorant take, like most of your comment. I don’t mean that as an insult or to be mean, it literally is ignorant, it’s coming from a place of little knowledge on the subject.

        Educate yourself, please. Here is one example from this year, you can Google hundreds.


    • potosi@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      OK, my point is that children can’t possibly feel that way because they dont know how the opposite gender feels like. At that age children shouldn’t be making life altering decisions that could mess up how your reproductive organs work. If they feel that way when they are adults I couldn’t care less, but it is not ok that people are messing with children’s minds with an ideology that can’t be proved scientifically. Gender ideology kills and mutilates children, not the opposite.

          • Lightor@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            So saying you can’t know how a child feels about their gender is the same as a person thinking they’re a dog? Holy crap this seems like some ignorant boomer shit. Like when people say “gay people want to marry, what’s next, marrying a horse!?” No Karen, gender differences are not the same as species differences.

      • Lightor@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        They can’t? A boy can’t look at girls playing and be drawn to that. To feel more natural presenting as a woman? Because they %100 can.

        A child that age shouldn’t be making life altering decisions? At what and what decisions. No one is saying a 6 year old needs a sex change.

        But you’re right, they shouldn’t be pressured into viewing the world a certain way at a young age and they don’t know better. So I can only assume you’re against teaching children about religion. I mean that can have a life long impact and they’re too young to know what to believe.

        Again, no one is trying to change the sex of a child. But if a 12 year old boy wants to wear a dress, he should be able to. It doesn’t harm anyone except by way of bigots attacking him for his choices.

        Also I love how you say it can’t be proved. Even though you can see suicide rates lower amongst LGBT in areas where they are accepted. And I hate to break it to you, but being queer or trans isn’t a choice. You suppressing the way your child feels doesn’t change how he identifies. They will just feel more alone and depressed. This leads to the suicide I mentioned.

        I lived in Utah, I know what it looks like to see people repressed, depressed, and suicidal. I’ve seen first hand the damage your mindset does.