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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • Oh, by the way, the person with the device has to have received one that wasn’t already tied to THEIR account in any way. You know, like by the automated system that sends these things out reading a barcode on the side of the box that associates device IDs with a particular account. Not sure about anything else but this was the case a decade ago when I bought my first Kindle. I’d imagine it’s a bit more sophisticated now.

    Go hang around a random apartment complex with wifi sniffing boxes and see how long it is before someone tackles you.

    Honey, if you think a wifi password is needed to pivot to a network then you don’t know what the word pivot means. At that point you’re fucking BREACHED, BITCH. There’s no pivoting, only ownership.

    Ah yes, just jailbreak the Amazon device with phantom software that somehow has completely different checksums but still… has the same checksums.

    All of this just illustrates you’re an ignorant-ass that doesn’t know how any of this works, wringing your hands about scenarios that DO NOT EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD.

    If I absolutely need to get into your network I’m not fucking around with a fucking rooted Amazon FireTV I’m just going to CRACK YOUR FUCKING WIFI PASSWORD DIRECTLY.

    Apparently I have all day every day to fuck around so why do I give a shit about it taking a week or two?

    More likely, I’ll walk up to your door with my phone in my hand and go “Hey, I just moved into the apartment next to yours and the wifi up at the office is broken. Could I log onto yours for a moment and pay a bill real quick? I apparently don’t get any damn signal here either. I just moved from a fuckin’ building where I had no signal, you’d think they’d have figured it out by now!”

    And almost every time this will be more than enough.

  • My dude, if someone is able to just walk up to your house with a random device and hang out long enough to establish a wifi connection and pull out any sort of useful data you have WAY BIGGER PROBLEMS than someone potentially using your Amazon account to order dildos.

    First of all, they have to already know you have that device.
    Then they have to physically get close enough to it for a connection to be made.
    THEN they have to hang around long enough for any sort of updates and shit to happen.
    THEN THEN they have to try and figure out how to get any useful data from this connection, which is likely an extremely limited one unless they’ve already established how to pivot out of the device and into something else in which case they probably would have just done that through your original device anyway.
    THEN THEN THEN they have to find a way to remove said useful information to a device that can actually store it.

    All while standing next to your front door holding their dick.

    It would be FAR easier to just leave a random USB stick on your porch and wait for your dumb ass to forget it isn’t yours.

    Or, even easier than that, just goddamn buy your information on the open market. They already have your address. It’s not like you can’t be found.

    Have I illustrated quite yet why these low percentage attacks are the realm of movies?

  • Yes, that’s what I said; your amazon devices are giving away your wifi info to new devices.

    No, they are not. You make it sound like any asshole can walk by and just turn something on and get your wifi info.

    If you’re worried about a device somehow being compromised between being shipped by Amazon and making it to your front door, please dispose of all electronics and go live in the woods. That level of paranoia is not reasonable.

  • It is, quite literally, every moment of every day. Your ignorance is fucking astounding.

    Pick any time that Congress is not in session. There is ALWAYS something they could be passing to save one group or another. Painting this shit as “OMG CONGRESS DUN CARE” is the kind of garbage-tier anti-government horseshit that ends up with idiots voting for Republicans. “Well, if da gubmint dusnt do nothin’ then why have gubmint?!?” You hear this shit every time Congress is out of session for any reason. There’s ALWAYS some bill that just absolutely has to be passed even though none of it mattered six months ago. It’s politically expedient to complain about it now, so that’s what happens.

    Congress is not full of goddamn robots, and their schedule is prepared well in advance. If you call them back to vote on this shit, you’re necessarily delaying OTHER votes and hey, guess what, when they go on break there will be YET ANOTHER vote that wasn’t done because they went on break that’s NOW the big boogeyman bill that they should be voting on rather than going on break.

    It’s a never ending cycle of bullshit.

    Pay more attention.

  • You have an Amazon account, dude. Amazon already has your fucking information. ALL OF IT. Including things like card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, and your purchasing and viewing habits.

    It pulled wifi settings from another Amazon device that you have, most likely.

    It also downloaded your fucking information when it accessed the internet.

    Do you really think there’s some fuckin’ rando sitting there doing nothing in an Amazon warehouse until the moment you order this thing, when they just plug it into a server and download your information to it?

    No, it connected to your wifi and downloaded it.

    Welcome to how almost every single electronic device operates.

    If you’re worried about miners or bots you shouldn’t be purchasing invasive shit to plug into your home network. In fact, you shouldn’t even have a home network.