Eternal September is a bitch.
Eternal September is a bitch.
There are some semantics at play, reflected in your link. Many atheists take the label to mean simply: absence of belief. That is: atheists require evidence before making a claim. As such, those that “believe” in nonexistence wind up falling into another category: anti-theists. There’s hubris involved in making the leap to belief, so I wager many just want to illuminate the distinction.
This is where I’m at. Got banned over on r/atheism for presenting a similar sentiment.
Time, bread, and circuses. But, we may soon run low on bread.
It’s great for trails in America. I’ve used it for years. Offline maps by default and you can easily drop a pin. FYI, in the android build, you drop a pin with a triple touch. It used to be long touch.
It was always “trickle up” marketed as the opposite.
I agree. I’d be perfectly content living modestly and ‘volunteering’ my time toward a shared goal. I want to be busy; I just don’t want ethically-questionable or meaningless busy work.
Looks like he also had a lighting team for that mugshot.
Heh. Man, do such posts dominate reddit these days. They can be entertaining on occasion, but god damn are they absolute drivel.
Void. I like xbps, and I prefer distros that make as few assumptions as possible.
I certainly goofed on my lazy definition of ‘antitheism’. Certainly more logical it’d be predicated upon ‘disbelief’ (webster, 1913). I think I picked up my lazy “belief in absence” from elsewhere on the net where people were defending atheism and, mostly, railing on antitheism. I should be more careful.
I was thinking the response more folks that just didn’t check your link and were operating on their own definition. I do think it a useful link. I’ve only heard these concepts using ‘(a)gnostic’ qualifiers. I should update my vocabulary. My concept of atheism has long been a simple binary: believer | disbeliever.