“Cat looks inside”
Hello world
“Cat looks inside”
This website is great xD
Privacy Policy: I do not care about privacy and will try to sell, rent, lease or give away all your information (name, address, email, your pets name, etc.) to any third party (but only if they pay enough). Also I will send you unsolicited email with cute dog puppy pictures.
I use UBO’s built-in cookie-popup blockers. I believe it’s off by default
It has a dark mode now (on iOS, at least. Maybe they’ve got a different codebase for Android)
Edit: Scratch that. Only the login flow has dark mode.
Fucking hell man. Gave me the feels 😭
Oops, the iOS share button copied the wrong link from that site somehow. I’ve updated it
#1 and #2 are tobacco and obesity, for those wondering.
Here’s the relevant issue on the GitHub repo: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/4340
Google may not have enabled them in your region. Here in the UK they just appeared for me one day, a few months after I initially saw screenshots of them online. I didn’t do anything to enable them.
Or do think there’s something special about the person that makes them flip tails more often?
Yes, that’s the conclusion that the scientist has come to. The chance of getting 20 in a row is so extraordinarily unlikely that it’s reasonable to conclude that the chance is not 50/50 for that particular surgeon.
English has “plaything”, which is kinda similar.