wed have better government over here without it tbh
venezuela, i like cartoons
wed have better government over here without it tbh
yeah but terrorism isnt usually a sistematic issue that goes into the factory
something is coming from below (leviathan water currents)
men are not an unified front that plans things behind womens backs, similarly, some random woman you see on the street is not conspiring against you specifically
you should have a social codes for
thats marginally less weird
monogamy and poligamy are both social contracts all participants must agree on, both are morally neutral
that dominance/submission thing i think its called power play, you can read about it if you want to, but its not a thing a majority of people will agree with you about it being necesary for relationships
i once coommented something in toki pona and another user understood me
mute mute mute mute luka luka luka tu tu
its harder to grasp because the autism spectrum is composed of medical symptoms instead of sexual preferences, being open about your limitations and what makes you break down sounds pretty scary to me