According to this person: music = “weeb shit”.
According to this person: music = “weeb shit”.
Can I learn to play the Kazooie?
This Hard Times site is almost as good as The Onion 😂
Such a “Not The Onion” headline. Article is more hilarious too, although being completely real.
So they were close after all, guy was right on the money.
Really? I mean, humans can ride horses and I think aa horse would struggle to eat an adult human being. For this example I am assuming that horses are predators and as such are equipped with claws and fangs of course.
Amen to that mister Baggie. BTW, wouldn’t you happen to be related to Dr. Bag, the man that did the autopsy?
I’m confused since this is a meme community, is this real dialogue from Blue Lock or did someone change the text? 'Cause dang.
I have no idea what you are referring to but you could try LibreTube and see if they have it.
Came here to say that, but you beat me, by like a week.
But fun things are fun.
Nobody except Bottas has ever thought that going to Sauber was a good idea.
For people that want to run a whole data center with only power outlet.
god insecure AF.
Alabama intensifies.
Most comic fans do take the piss out of everything, I don’t even read that many comics and after seeing Captain America Civil War was disappointed AF, it was not only a water down version of the storyline, it was so different and the stakes were so low that made me ask myself why would they even call it Civil War to begin with.
Why I’m trying to say is that reading the comics will only make you hate more this adaptations, they rarely do justice to the characters and storyline, although that’s kinda OK since they are two different mediums.
Weekend at Bernie’s for sure, in fact, I think it’s a quasi-perfect movie for what it is.
Stop complaining and start focussing on solutions instead of problems.
I can imagine the writers of this comic being “hehehe, we are such gentlemen”.