To the people and bots with zero reading comprehension: it literately says “the company’s machines were struggling to match the safety performance of even an average human”
The cars are not better than an average driver.
He or they pronouns. I like science, nature, art and am trying to solve one of the hardest problems, the ‘why does space and time exist and do fun stuff instead of being a boring blank void forever’ or ‘nothingness’ problem, trying to invent new math to do so. It’s really frikkin’ hard so wish me luck.
To the people and bots with zero reading comprehension: it literately says “the company’s machines were struggling to match the safety performance of even an average human”
The cars are not better than an average driver.
@Dariusmiles2123 @dantheclamman
You are leaving tires everywhere. One recent study found tire dust pollution was the number one microplastic in the ocean. A different older study found it was number #2, which is still pretty bad. You almost certainly have tire dust floating around inside your body too. If they made tires purely out of rubber this wouldn’t be such a problem, but they don’t.
(the double @'s are because I’m on mastodon, that’s just what it does.)
Lots of other people have addressed this, so I won’t repeat the whole thing. You can absolutely do disassembly work, it’s just a pain in the rear.
But it’s actually been done for Mario, since you brought it up:
And also Pokemon.