What a demented fool U R!
What a demented fool U R!
Yet he still found time to save the world! The Orange Lion!! 👊✌️
Haha! You have Trump confused with Dementia Joe. He’s only awake for 6 hours a day. Trump works round the clock. And he gets things done. Only a fool and an idiot would deny this fact.
You are a pathetic moron. Otherwise you’re okay
You’re an idiot with TDS!
I remember a time when journalists were impartial and reported the truth. Great newsmen like Chet Huntley and David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite delivered the news and and it was always unvarnished truth. Today just about every news person is only a mouthpiece with no integrity and no allegiance to the truth. It’s as though they all graduated from the school of Pravda. The corporate media is just an arm of the Democrat Party and they are as believable as the concept of Santa Claus. It’s a sad state of affairs that the gullible American people are being spoon fed a diet of propaganda every minute of the day. All that to say that this is a bogus story about President Trump.
Don’t you just hate it when health fanatics are right?
You are a brainwashed little lemming!