So it’s like web development?
So it’s like web development?
The end credits music was quite good if I remember right though.
Hey, I need my right hand to navigate to the juicy parts.
I will, in Burnout Revenge, because it’s the superior game.
While you’re down there doc…
Damn, I pay something like £65 for that speed in the UK.
I have the words “software engineer” in my job title but I hate it.
We aren’t engineers, we’re a bunch of undisciplined hackers, engineers have standards and ethics.
Programmer is my preferred term, or software developer.
Code monkey is also acceptable.
Start a tech company, then sell out to a corporation.
I’m 36, I live in the UK, and I’ve driven a manual car since I was 17. I’ve only driven an automatic twice in my life and I’ll probably never own one.
I used to torture my sister’s boyfriends for a laugh but one day I befriended one and realised that this was the greatest troll of all time.