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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • it’s a bit hypocritical that big companies complain about piracy when they are no better than Blackbeard, xxx-sama and Akainu combined.

    i mean, they have hijacked the system so they can set the rules, their lawyers are law crackers, they take advantages of artists to buy their copyright for pennies and making millions of it, they scam us with DLC’s, fees, dark patterns; they steal our private info, images, text creations, etc. to sell it or use it for AI development; and they also limit our access to the internet and technology by banning third party apps, modding, using anything related to their patents…

    sorry but if i was a law enforcer, they would be the first ones i would chase after.

  • that’s so nice, pal! and yes, it’s totally understandable to feel saddened and angry at spez for doing that (i feel the very same), but we can compile that content here, and welcome their original posters to Lemmy when they feel ready. what it’s worrying is the hateful comments about redditors, calling them names. i think some people is becoming radicalised, and they feel ‘superior’ in some way to other users. i don’t think that ‘cyber snobism’ will help Lemmy in any way, but that’s just my opinion. thanks ^^

  • yea, spez is a piece of garbage, and he did all this for money. and it’s sad to see Reddit worsen so much, as it was sad to see Twitter become the same. still, spez enshittified what nice users made nice before. if we support that kind of users, i’m sure we can even surpass the awesomeness Reddit once had. because awesomeness is not Reddit’s, it’s the internet’s. no matter where it is, if we support, it will bloom.

  • cristalcommons@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlF#€k $pez
    11 months ago

    well said. it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. and spez enshittified Reddit because of greed, we shouldn’t be greedy ourselves, or Lemmy will get enshittified too. i would like to slowly make it cozy and happy here, we shouldn’t be competing against Reddit, because Lemmy is something different.

    any nice user is welcome, please don’t make them feel guilty for being on Reddit too. we will slowly make a nice transition so people have the option to being their stuff here if they want, which is what we need. no rupturism, please. i think we should be welcoming, not warmongering. this was made for users, not against spez. it’s totally different.

    spez can go and screw himself, i prefer to appreciate those who do good than to mourn about those who do wrong. don’t waste energies on destructivity, spend them on constructivity.

    don’t compare to Reddit, compare to Lemmy on July, to Lemmy now, to what Lemmy could be if we work together. don’t get anxious about growing. focus on ‘growing nice’ instead of ‘growing more’.

    we will make it. for sure. and it will be great.

    have a nice day.

    edit: i realize the ‘not against spez’ could have been worded better. what i try to say is that i prefer to focus my energies on nice people than bad people. i suffered already a lot bc of bad people and i prefer to spend my life supporting nice folks. sorry for the confusion.

  • i can confirm the medicine shortage, not just in psychatric recently, but in other pharma fields, along the years.

    our Latin American brothers and sisters in Spain were doing their best to send medicines to their families in LATAM. you could also see people asking on Twitter for medicines. iirc it was commented on the news too.

    here in Spain we also have public healthcare, and we all people pay for those medicines so individuals don’t have to assume all the cost on their own. pandemic has shown our healthcare system is not as good, public and clean as our corrupt politicians tend to say, but still, we think public healthcare is the way to go.

    in Spain abortion is legal since many years, but a year ago or so, in a region of Spain, a extreme right-wing party wanted to create a regional law to make women asking for abortion feel guilty.

    medicians would be obligated to ask women “before aborting, would you want to listen to your baby’s heartbeat, or that we take a 4D radiography of them?”.

    the women could refuse, but the medicians would be obligated to ask. this extreme right-wing party tried to push this regional law proposal in an attempt to push antiabortion agenda bypassing the national abortion law.

    this right-wing party wanted to make women feel guilty of their abort decision, as if many many women hadn’t had enough guilt, doubt and sadness when asking for abortion bc they aren’t in the position of having a baby (see our emancipation, salary and unemployment rates), or they weren’t even in a position of conceiving in first place (rape, mental suffering, codependency, drug abuse, etc.). this political party wanted to take advantage on these women’s situation of vulnerability. that’s horrible.

    (also in that region, big part of medicians and population overall were known of being right-wing and sexist. that’s how this right-wing party got power to propose this law).

    fortunately, it seems we have progressed, to the point many medicians were the most angry at this, and them, along with feminists (many are both), and citizens in general didn’t allow this law to happen in this region of Spain.

    but sorry for digressing, the main point is that many people in Spain are very happy for Mexico. we wish you the best. we hope our LATAM siblings get the progress and independence they wish and deserve. we are on it too here. let’s do this 💪

  • i agree, but the thing is that we could be already doing more ‘here’ and ‘there’ to fix this corruption, but in the end we don’t get anything done ‘here’ or ‘there’ anyway because we are not organized enough in local.

    if i can’t fix my own stuff, how can i pretend to fix others’? i get the ‘there is no time to think small’, but i don’t think we currently are ‘locally big’ enough to think ‘big globally’ either.

    also, the ecologic problems in countries like India, Bangladesh or China (for example), mostly depend directly on how economy is being handled by these countries, but also in rich countries that externalize their industry and garbage there, which makes this not an isolated corruption problem, but a whole failed economic model, in global as you say.

    we people from Western countries import industry and export garbage, when we could have a responsible national, inner, circular, market first, so we don’t affect other economies so much and so bad.

    i feel we people from Western countries are in a much powerful position than people from those countries because we are the Demanding part of the market. we shape it. they Offer what we Demand. sadly, when it comes to the market, a bunch of Westerners can have more impact on India’s Government than one of their citizens.

    the problem: we are powerful but we cannot make it count because we are disorganized on what to do and how, we have been numbed and individualized.

    we can cry in forums or go greta’ing to random politicians, but when it comes to action it feels like we are “oh no! … anyway” and go to daily stuff again. i think the easiest way to not get overwhelmed by this is starting local, making active choices in our economies and prosecuting corruption.

  • cristalcommons@lemmy.worldtome_irl@lemmy.worldme♻️irl
    1 year ago

    in Spain we get fined if we don’t recycle or even if a box is outside their respective container (even if it’s not ours, some councils just want to fine people)

    the company in charge of recycling (EcoEmbes) is not doing their job of waste collection, sorting, separation and treatment in our country, and they are even faking their statistics to make us think in Spain we are achieving our recycling goals, when we are not recycling even the 25 %.

    GreenPeace Spain has been reporting this for years but nothing is done, because this EcoEmbes company is just a part of the political corruption network that reigns over us. https://es.greenpeace.org/es/en-profundidad/ecoembes-lo-reyes-del-greenwashing/ (Spanish)

    many Spanish citizens already know about this and they recycle ‘just in case’, or they get so damn discouraged that they decide not to recycle at all. we are just… tired and depressed. no will to fight since 2014.

    i have four containers, one for each garbage type, and i still recycle even if i know maybe not even the 25 % of it will be treated as it should.

    it’s very depressing. it’s not just companies, but our governments too. they are allies one to another, and their enemy is every nuisance that interferes with their greed. the only green they like is money.

    i wish European Union helped us Spanish citizens with the EcoEmbes corruption and our many other corruptions, but the European Union is just an European richman’s club, so i suspect they probably will be doing their own corruption schemes in their countries too, and being allies to our politicians.

    our Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, who is probably going to be re-elected, and his Ministers, but also members of the Royal Family, and other Left and Right governments before since forever, = all of them politicians and monarchs in office, have been using the Falcon airplanes to go to the most simple reunion, vacation, music concert, football match… just citing ‘security reasons’ even if the reasons are not related to their job.

    here you have the usage statistics of our current Government’s Falcon airplanes, taken from FlightRadar: https://falcondespega.es

    thanks to this page, the Government stopped using the airplanes so innecessarily because people started being aware of it. but if not, our Ministers and monarchs would be still doing as bad as before.

    they could be using trains but why doing so, right?


    sorry for the long post.