Go web developer
Tridactyl is the best. It is supporting editing textarea with vim/emacs
I’m using my corne almost a year, but still at 30-35 wpm. But english is not a my native lang. I guess I just need more time
That’s a good idea
Yes, I have Arch Linux in all my laptops and all of them has the same issue after boot. I’m not using sleep at all
I have slighty different problem. Every time I turn my laptop on my Corne keyboard is not recognized, until I plug-out and plug-in again. I have no idea, how to fix it. My setup is here
Vim sucks, Emacs is the best editor in the world
Option 2: All Unified Diff Colors
Yep, why not? The only thing I could say, tactyle they are feeling cheep, if you compare to xda keycaps from amazon