• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • When someone has grown up brainwashed into religious belief, being exposed to real logic that isn’t trying to dunk on them is a lifeline for many to move away from that.

    I also think that while both can be necessary at times, for many the far more powerful factor is going to be emotional (feeling of god letting them down leading to questioning), and people who are already in emotional turmoil and questioning beliefs will react much more positively to a more graceful, logical approach, because logic, while it may disrupt their worldview, is reliable. So yeah it depends on the individual, but you absolutely can logic someone out of a belief they didn’t logic into.

    Source: I’m a homeschooled Baptist PK with 5 siblings, and I’ve spent a lot of time and effort to know how to best provide the lifeline for my nieces and nephews that I was lacking for getting away from religious belief

  • Why don’t we ask South America, the Middle East, and Vietnam what they think about the US?

    but it’s clear which is the better option for many

    … American tax dollars are at this moment funding the genocide of Palestinians.

    EDIT to add: I should clarify I’m no CCP apologist, nor do I uplift China as an example of what we should strive for. But I also really get tired of seeing America put on a pedestal. America was built on genocide, slavery, and exploitation, I don’t see how it should ever be an example of how to do things better, BECAUSE that line of reasoning (“at least we’re better than them”) has been used to justify many of the horrors of our history.

    By using that bit of propaganda, you’re contributing to things like Americans looking the other way/enabling - for the past 75 years - genocide. It’s the same “they’re savages” shit that was used to justify literally the most savage acts against Native Americans.

    Our democracy also isn’t actual democracy. By definition, a democracy must represent the will of the people. Ours does not. It is already a failed democracy, and has been for my entire life. America also produces more propaganda than any other country. Do we have more personal freedoms in many areas than people in China? Absolutely. Are there many areas throughout society where I think America has pushed the world forward and made it a better place? Absolutely.

    But I’m getting really sick of seeing America compared to China just to say “we’re better”.

  • straight women won’t date them

    You can be straight and date someone who is trans. Genitalia is only one part of a person’s body/gender, intercourse is only one part of sex, and sex is only one part of a relationship. (and for some, sex isn’t even part of a relationship)

    When it comes to relationships with queer people (which, to be clear, I think is everyone to some extent), you gotta first think of sexuality and gender as a spectrum, because if you’re thinking in traditional gender binaries, there just isn’t a good way of explaining many things.

    Trying to fit gender non-conformists and different sexual orientations into a hetero-normative binary is like taking the visible light spectrum and then trying to describe it in terms of black and white. It’s at best going to be a very poor representation of what’s actually there that doesn’t get you any closer to actually understanding things.

    This is one of the articles I sent my brother to help explain things to him, hopefully that helps reframe things for you in a way that’s helpful in understanding things better.

  • I came up with a formula for my passwords - as easy to remember as a single password and makes a unique login for every site feasible without a password manager. Can be updated as often as you like and all you gotta do is remember the latest version of the formula. At the very least, the hashes will be different and it’d take someone having more than two of my passwords to figure out the pattern.

    I also use over 100 email aliases with my own domain name so that my most important accounts have a separate login that isn’t a common domain that wouldn’t be easy for someone to guess.

    It would take a lot of concentrated effort for someone to get at any of my important accounts, and even my less important ones would be pretty difficult to get into even if multiple accounts are compromised, due to using a smaller pool of aliases under common domains for less important accounts.

    Someone got into half a dozen of my accounts a few years ago and I finally started taking security seriously.

  • Bought from a shop called widemouse on Etsy, it’s resin printed.

    I play a lot of apex and other shooters where faster aiming/movement is helpful.

    Because of the mouse’s board, I don’t think this really moves the sensor forward much, if at all, and I haven’t had a chance to try out any mice that have the sensor intentionally forward, so can’t comment on that vs weight, but I will say as someone who avoided going with lighter mice for a long time, less weight makes a huge difference.