You know when you’re doing the usual threesome thing you do on a weekend, and the moonlight’s bouncing off your heads and your arses and everything, does that not get a bit confusing?
Good thoughts
Good words
Good deeds
You know when you’re doing the usual threesome thing you do on a weekend, and the moonlight’s bouncing off your heads and your arses and everything, does that not get a bit confusing?
I’m fairly certain you can tweak locally run models to remove the censorship, not that I’d know how. It’s the models running on servers in China (like from the App) which have to follow Chinese laws around this censorship.
A break from the news - I think I need that too!
That’s cool! The fact they’ve released it open source, you can run it locally, and see what/how it’s thinking has made it much more interesting I think than any of the other models. I’ve avoided using any generative AI for a lot of different reasons, but this one I might play with…
Can’t sleep, clown will eat me.
At least I’m up early, and hopefully I’ll sleep tonight.
Woah what a spread! Sounds amazing!
I haven’t watched pokemon since I was but a wee lad watching some Cheese TV, but that theme song has stuck with me. Absolute banger.
Yeah, you can tell me I’m wrong or I’m missing information, but do it politely!
It might also give you an opportunity to build a new team or make some changes - if your the last man standing saying “Look, here’s what I need to get us back up to what you expect” you could end up with a bit more influence and power. Depends on the bosses though - shit bosses gonna shit boss.
I haven’t been there for a few years, but Kustom Burgers in Thornbury I think fits your brief!
Hard agree.
I’d also note that the excuse for the gambling reform delays “Oh we need to get this legislation and reform right and that will take time” does not at all match the embarrassing rush to get the Social Media ban passed.
Guess Meta should have spent more money advertising on Free to Air huh?
Didn’t even ask his own party!
Huh I was just listening to this earlier! That man is a treasure.
They are beautiful, I am quite lucky.
It is much appreciated
That’s so good! Great work from the kiddo there!