Promising to cause pain to others. It really is the best way to get someone on your side.
Promising to cause pain to others. It really is the best way to get someone on your side.
I don’t hear you denying it.
Hires H-1B, wonders why data gets returned to origin country. lol
You sound like Trump. lol. You’re the best head shaker.
Search engines are not designed to answer questions. Apples and oranges.
History in the US aligns. If it slid back, it didn’t work. And, everything is sliding, therefore it did not create lasting change. The time for peaceful protesting is over. It’s time for action.
If this is the only place you would agree with me, you must be a maga Nazi. Otherwise, we have more in common that you’d like to admit.
People are too dumb to associate protesters in the street to a problem that can be fixed by the government. The rulers want you to think that protesting works, because it makes the fight between the people. They want you inconveniencing on your level, so that they can make us fight each other.
You will never convince people to tear down the system by screaming in a street.
get them while they are young
Republicans are perverts, and if you vote republican, you support perverts. If you choose not to vote, you enable perverts. Cry all you want, you’re digging a hole.
He’s going to send them to colonize mars next.
It’s too outdated to be really useful. This just makes life hell for people, not stopping fascism. What we need is the field manual on how to make fascists fear for their lives enough that they crush themselves.
A lot of this would be good for fucking up capitalism, but we are way past that being an option.
As if I needed another reason to not go to Georgia.
How can we have our circle jerks if we have women mocking our masculinity all the time? You know what they say, a dude’s hand on your dick is worth two women in the kitchen. Praise Jesus.
So would you say the people who censor civil disobedience and calls to action are part of the problem, not the solution?
Let’s all quit our jobs and live on the street in protest, instead of rising up and holding people accountable. Civil disobedience is far more effective than implementing a guillotine solution. Expressing our feelings is sure to change the minds of magalomaniacs. ;)
That’s a lot of processing just to count letters. Hopefully it can add numbers without splitting the number ;)
But shouldn’t we obey the rules? The laws? The ToS? Or… should we not?
God’s will.
“It wasn’t my mistress, it belonged to the worm”
Trump brand condoms, now with even more holes.