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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024

  • Just because you are too stupid to see other ways to handle a literal child does not make it okay to hit said child.

    While I shouldn’t feed the trolls, I’ll respond.

    I do see other ways to handle children, I literally stated that, but you skipped that part because apparently you’re too lazy or too stupid to read an entire post and retain all the information contained within it. Which tracks the rest of your message. Now before you’re blinded by rage: it’s pretty obvious you aren’t a parent. it’s pretty obvious your exposure to kids is extremely limited. Your “countless studies” apparently amounted to: 0? Because you’re refuting an ACTUAL study with a post on lemmy that doesn’t include a SINGLE citation.

    I’m not surprised you didn’t read the article, because you appear to be one of those fools that has the entire world solved, if only more people would listen to you. And it’s shocking they don’t, you’ve got such a persuasive means of communication.

  • Some kids absolutely need to be spanked. I was one of them - timeouts did nothing. Taking things away did nothing. Getting the threat of being spanked? Definitely stopped me in my tracks. Actually getting spanked? That’s the last time I was going to try whatever stunt caused it.

    My kids don’t need to be spanked and never have been, other methods have always worked to curb bad behavior. Anyone saying “spanking is never acceptable” has apparently never had a shithead boy who is unphased by other forms of punishment.

    For adults wondering if it’s OK to spank: if you’re spanking your kid out of anger or it’s the first thing you turn to, you’re doing something very wrong. It should be the big red button of last resort.

  • That would be more believable if he hadn’t made enough money to retire 1,000 times over now. $500m? I think most people can’t grasp how much money that is. Putting that money into a shitty high yield checking account would net him $21m in income a year. It is absurd how much money he has. If he wants to fuck off and do literally nothing for the rest of his life, he can still live like a god without spending a dime of what he’s earned so far.

  • Go back to mother Russia. Just off the top of my head with 30 seconds of thinking about it and no research:

    Obama: Implemented “Obamacare” allowing millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions to get affordable healthcare for the first time.

    Biden: Limits on predatory interest rates across the board. Limited Insulin prices.

    Both of them have actively gone after people and businesses ripping of medicare which universally helps the working class through better care and lower taxes.

    But sure, they’ve done NOTHING for the working class.

  • In the meantime fuck diabetic people, am I right?

    Student loan forgiveness with no other action is completely counter-productive. Just like allowing drug companies to charge anything they want for Insulin, and then just having the government pay them is completely counter-productive. The answer to spiraling insulin prices (when not due to a shortage of some key ingredient) is to cap prices, not just pay whatever ransom drug companies are asking.

    College costs have spiraled out of control because laws were passed to prevent you from escaping student loan debt through bankruptcy. From a lender perspective there’s almost no risk to giving students as much money as they want to borrow. Colleges in turn realized they could just keep raising prices because students could “afford” pretty much any tuition price through loans. If you just “forgive” all student loan debt, you’ll just encourage colleges to jack up prices even more. Why not? Come one come all, the government is going to foot whatever the bill ends up being!

    If you’re going to forgive student debt, it needs to come with 3 things:

    • A hard cap on public university tuition tracking inflation
    • Student loans need to go back to being forgiven as a part of bankruptcy.
    • A long-term plan to make public universities “free”

    You want to find a middle ground with conservatives? Make tuition free for the occupations we have a shortage of to encourage people to go to school for a degree in which there will be a job waiting when they’re done.

    We need more teachers? Teaching degrees are free for the next decade. You want to be a marine biologist? You pay whatever the (reasonable) capped state tuition is.

  • The thing with the F-35 is you’ll never actually hear about it being “better” because there is no dogfight. It shows up, you die, that’s it. In the real-world it would be like one guy showing up to a boxing ring to fight, and the other guy dropping a nuclear bomb on the stadium. The whole point of 5th gen fighters is that they don’t engage, they have so much technology that they blow up the opponent before the opponent even knows they showed up.

    Meanwhile, Russia’s “5th gen” fighters can’t get near the airspace because they both don’t have the proper smart munitions, and don’t have the physical capabilities to fly into an area blanketed in US AA weapons.