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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • My two boys were like that in the beginning too. What seemed to help was two of the same dog beds next to each other. Each has his own “space,” not necessarily defined, they both sleep in whichever bed interchangeably, but it makes them feel like they have their own space. My dog beds also have a raised pillow section so it feels a little more separate.

  • Oof, sorry you’re having such a rough time right now. I wouldn’t feel too bad about the woman you had to leave behind though. Because relationships are a two-way street and she has to put some effort in too. If she didn’t fight for you or try to figure out a way to make it work for you both, then she wasn’t prioritizing the relationship anyway. As an example, my partner and I lived at least 1000 miles from anyone we knew and we had no support system. When my partner, who was the breadwinner at the time, lost her job, we together found a new solution. Yes, it meant picking up and moving across the country again in less than a year, but the alternative was homelessness. Never once was our relationship on the line, even if our housing was. There’s someone out there who thinks being apart from you is the worst life choice ever, so don’t miss her by being sad about the ones who aren’t her.

  • The only way to not repeat this is to learn from it. I’m a big proponent of “attract, don’t chase.” When you are the absolute best version of yourself, happily doing your own thing and living your best life, people find that attractive. Try to volunteer or go to hobby events/shops, you’re going to find people who like what you like and try to find a relationship that is a positive feedback loop. I think you should want to do everything in your power to make your partner happy because their happiness brings you joy and your partner should feel the same about you. Boost each other until you both reach your goals.

  • I agree with you, I think Shaxs can do better. But I also think that maybe Shaxs used to be like Dr. T’Ana and feels some empathy for her. I’ll admit I was a bit kooky before I met my spouse, she recognized that my lashing out was a product of my environment and life experience and offered me a different perspective. She only knew that because she used to lash out for the same reasons and did many years of therapeutic work to get her back on track. So when she saw me hurting in the same ways, she offered me the roadmap she used and I’m a lot better for it. Maybe Shaxs feels this same way about Dr. T’Ana. He sees she’s struggling and indulges her because he loves her, but is also slowly chipping away at the hurt that they share.

  • The point isn’t efficiency, the point is greed. Efficiency doesn’t make money, it’s idealistic. Office managers literally need people and an office in order to do anything. What are they going to do all day when no one needs pens or snacks or in-person administration? Assistants have nothing to schedule (except zoom calls) when people aren’t travelling or going to in-person meetings. Amazon has already spent millions on building huge offices all over the world and has to justify it’s use or else they sit empty and don’t generate any revenue or business. Middle managers and project managers can still be remote since much of what they do is just email, but some of those guys need to see people working in office in order to have their power trips. The real reason these middle managers are demanding RTO so hard is specifically because people are actually MORE productive at home, which means that their jobs are on the line since there’s no whip to crack. Who needs a slave driver when the slaves all hit their metrics?