- How will that block access of local users to remote existing communities (subscribe/post/reply/e.t.c.) ? I understand that only new created communities can be set to local only. Maybe I am wrong, can you explain or point to documentation link ?
OAuth 2.0 ?
If so, Authentik already has support for invite links, as stated in the link below.
Anyway, thanks for the info, I will check next major version of Lemmy for OAuth.
No, thanks :)
How ? There is no option for it in the Lemmy server software.
For now some of them are using crypto coins, mostly Bitcoin, but if they will agree on a common coin shared between them, it will be a serious blow to the US Dollar supremacy even not from the start but on the long term. Also, other coins used in international transaction will be affected like Euro, UK pound, Swiss franc, e.t.c.
This will lead to a seriously US Dollar inflation but also some of the other mention coins.
Anyway, thank you.