Kaufland is open to marketplace skalpers.
Kaufland is open to marketplace skalpers.
I’m here to ruin the joke: both the Russian and German word for “Emperor” are “named after” Caesar (Czar and Kaiser).
Policemen aren’t bootlickers! They wear the boot! Better call them class traitors.
The German government is subsidising having a fancy car as an employment bonus (Dienstwagenprivileg).
It’s not technically supposed to be about having a fancy car (i.e. an SUV), but that’s what it’s often subsidising in practice
No parallel universes employed => Access denied
While I don’t have a perfect plan on democratic governance (sorry, I’m just a small, little boi), these examples came to mind right away:
What I also want to adress is that the things you’re criticizing in your first comment are structural problems of a liberal democracy. That means that they don’t stem from bad actors inside the system, but rather from the way the system is set up. Members of parliament have a free mandate and are under no direct obligation to enact policies on which they ran in elections. Yes, they can not get elected the next term, but this can also be an incentive to “get away with it” by e.g. manipulating the media landscape, lying, covering your tracks, searching for excuses, etc.
Also: you canwt vote the system away. When you’re voting, the only available opitions are ones that stabilize the parliamentary system. That’s why I don’t (or at least not completely) agree with “it needs both”. A general strike could lead to a more democratic system, while electoralism will always try to strengthen the current system.
Discussing why not having voting invites other methods of deciding power struggles that are even less democratic, does not mean a false dichotomy
Yes it is. It presupposes that parliamentary democracy is the only way of democratic governance.
You are literally demonstrating the effect of the media landscape that you’re criticizing: you’re acting like there’s no other democratic alternative than a parliamentary democracy.
Voting is a good system. The alternative is “let’s just have a fight with guns, or with money, or connections to powerful people, every time there’s a disagreement.”
Show me how this is not a dichotomy. Why are these the only options?
That just opens you up to false balancing. See: the media landscape on climate change for the last 70 years.
I think you’re opening up a false dichotomy here: it’s not about voting vs. the law of the fist. It’s about how the democratic systems are set up to keep the powerful in power.
The system is set up to promote those “absolutely craven, useless, and corrupt class of full-time political operatives who generally don’t give a shit about the people”. And “fixing” the media to not promote those things is like trying to teach a cat not to hunt mice.
There are more ways to have a democratic stucture of politics than “we decide onsour ruler every four years”.
Its got all of it and its free and legal
…but how?
Edit: Also, I’m not talking about the assets. I’m tal*ing about the ability to recreate. If you have the Doom assets, you can build it yourself.
Are you serious?
I don’t know where I read it, but i think the devs of Rollerdome want you to pirate it anyway, since the publisher screwed them over and they don’t get anything out of sold copies.
Still: Really shitty from a game conservation standpoint.
Ich hätte es früher “Luigi strategie” genannt. Aber mittlerweile würde man damit meinen, dass Scholz seine Klassenkämpferischen Wurzeln entdeckt und mit ner 3D gedruckten Knifte CEOs wegbämmst.
Mir hat mal wer die Kurzfassung von Das Kapital von Otto Rühle empfohlen. Und ich hab gutes gehört von “Das ABC des Kapitalismus”.
Ich selber hab mir den Kram nur über Youtubevideos reingepfiffen. XD
Schweden mit seiner Personnummer so: