Kegan & Lahey / “Immunity to Change”

Kahneman / “Thinking Fast & Slow” ( System-1: reaction; System-2: considered-reasoning. Ideology-addiction & prejudice is System-1 conditioning )

Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright / “Tribal Leadership” ( on 5 modes/levels of human social-process, & how they control our lives, & how to improve which one we live in )

Haich / “Initiation”, “Sexual ENERGY & Yoga”, “The Wisdom of the Tarot” ( archetype-stages of human-life process: profoundest human psychology )

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • @dantheclamman That little post isn’t particularly deep, or convincing.

    It’s just parroting the currently fashionable stuff from the “left intellectual” press.

    What’s REALLY disturbing about that shit, is:

    * it mixes sexual/romance relationship with the relationship between parent & young-child, and *that is vile, underhanded, dishonest, and multidimensionally-improper*.

    * it tries to disable thinking, culturally, displacing it with social-pressure

    ( which both left & right use, btw…

    The most comical globally-visible example of that was the mass herd-protests after Trump was elected.

    Masses of leftists heaped together to protest … Trump being active president.

    And Universe *wouldn’t obey* this mass herd-assertion!!


    ( incredulity is normal, among the social-process-obedient )

    Eventually, Naomi Klein told them “saying no isn’t enough”, and they stopped.

    But … they really believed that Universe would stop, drop, & roll, to obey their social-assertion of their herd??

    Yes, they did.

    THAT is frightening.

    the right’s conforming/enforcing centrism is culturally-different from the left’s belonging-herd centrism, but both displace intelligence, with strategic/planet-scale lethal consequences, when one holds to the long view )

    * it holds that one’s cultural-habit is better a decider than is intelligence ( both left & right do this, and the degree of competent-education required to break that from a population is well-beyond what our “education” has allowed/tolerated, to be )

    * it holds that the rest of the world ought obey its cultural-delusion instead of considered-thinking, which means that considered-thinking has already been eradicated from within that culture


    There are plenty of points, and that little item, linked-to, missed/ignored most of 'em…


    Feel free to mute me, so you never see anything I say ever again…

    _ /\ _

  • @sping I now know that there are *2* different, distinct, phenomena, both called “counter steering”, that have nothing to do with each-other.

    What you describe is what some call counter steering.

    What I’m talking about is when you are in the lean, if you lean the bike a bit more, while steering a few degrees *out* from the turning you are doing, while “climbing through the turn on the sidewall”, the bike goes 'round like it’s on rails, while keeping its center-of-gravity low.

    That is what *I*, and some others, mean when talking about “counter steering”.

    It has nothing whatsoever to do with what one does with the steering when the bike is upright.

    And it wasn’t the Fornine vid I was remembering, so I’ve no idea who it was who also means what I mean.

    What a shoddy mess that is: the same label for distinct different phenomena, that are similar.

    That is the wrong way of making language “work”.


    _ /\ _

  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars @sydneytrains @urbanism There is a specific CATEGORY of threat to humanity’s operations, that needs systematic countering:

    The counter-intuitive.

    Things like “add more roads, they’ll de-congest” are *natural* assumptions, and *wrong*.

    But there are many counter-intuitive things,
    and it is *incompetent* to pretend that every manager, authority, whatever, everywhere, is going to somehow, magically, independently discover that they are counter-intuitive & need to be managed *backwards* to one’s unconscious “reasoning”.

    It’s like trying to get somebody to understand countersteering…

    Until they *understand* that you’re literally riding the bike on the *side* of the tire, it can’t make any sense.

    Counter-intuitive functions need to be catalog’d, organized, and systematically defeated by school-kids, or in job-training, or ANYthing.

    The costs of *not* doing-so are compounding too much.


    Perhaps a Required Lessons for each domain, & each job within that domain…

    SOMEthing, though, and we need it yesterday.

    _ /\ _