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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023

  • The two-party system is perfect. George Washington and John Adams had it wrong when they claimed a two-party system would be an evil. No policies of third parties have ever been adopted by either of the two big parties. No political candidate would ever dare switch between and third party and that of one of the big two, sometimes multiple times over their career. Useless. Certainly the political spectrum is sufficiently represented as a two-dimensional line depicting left, center, and right? Issues such as monetary policy, interventionalist policies, border security, personal liberty, states’ rights, federal powers, and debate of democracy vs. republic have already been solved and merits no further discussion. All 335 million Americans’ ideologies fit perfectly into either of the two big parties’ platform and always have. No other party besides Democratic and Republican have ever dominated US politics. Political parties are so paramount to the existence of America that the founding fathers went through great lengths to outline their implementation in the Constitution.

  • I imagine you missed the nuances of what he describes as the human elements of music. Humans fluctuate tempo. Humans can play music with other humans impromptu based on common repertoire or musical templates, themes, and styles. Humans can call and response based on riffs or quotes. Music and dance are quite literally on the few cultural pillars of humanity across all cultures and time for its social uses. Often, all this music software is used in solitude, never to be utilized in a social way. New music tech and music instruments are just tools. It is about how one uses them.

  • To give the most generic advice to all who read this: make a living by making the lives of others liveable. Many are determined to study X and have a career of Y. This sometimes works out. Many will repeatedly try to have career Y their whole life due to a fixation even if it isn’t right for them at any or all those times. Some of the most lucrative success stories have been people who saw someone else in need and helped them, someone else or a subset of the population who had a problem that nobody came around to fix yet. A problem you had no prior affiliation with. Opportunity Z may be wildly unrelated to your training and/or career path, but, it may help more people moreso than your career Y. And then, your X, Y and Z skills can compound when you find your next opportunity.

  • 1st world countries have myopia. 3rd world countries do not. People in 3rd world countries that are emerging into 1st world countries will develop myopia. Less exposure to the full brightness of the sun in the infinite activity of the outdoors and increased time spent indoors with indoor lighting and stagnant vision environment leads to myopia. The eyes are the most intimately connected organ to the brain - perhaps you should rethink your vision lifestyle. Is it good for you to be stare at a webpage with increasingly larger fonts on a smartphone 12in/30cm away from your eyes? Probably not. Eyes are supposed to constantly be moving (saccade) and should not be dry. Great eye health is a great life. Sincerely, someone who has proactively one from -2.25 in to -1.75 in both eyes in 9 months time.