I will be proud to be responsible for many deaths if they tried.
I will be proud to be responsible for many deaths if they tried.
They all should have been executed in the street
Its masterbiking
I guess that’s what happens when you’re a piece of shit like Isreal seems to be.
Pepperidge farms remembers.
Ill glorify violence alright. Fucking Red-dick.
What if it’s a duck though?
That sub reddit is also just a pool of self dock sucking. They have to make it so only their members can post because other people come in with things like facts and reason and just demolish them.
It was just a thing you could sign up for every year and buy someone else and gift somewhere in the world. You would put your information in and everything would get coordinated so that gifts went all over. It was overall cool. Some people took advantage of course but you’d be banned if you didn’t send out a gift and only received a gift.
Just proves we need more luigis in the world. But reddit has been shit for a while.
My source is working in the agricultural world and seeing the results in the field. We are fighting it but crop production is falling as we do. There are crops that aren’t affected of course but they don’t make the money which farmers need to live.
I think the end of the secret santa was the beginning of the end for reddit. This is like the second day after the Normandy landing for Germany.
You too? I have a couple million coming, just had to wire him 10 grand to help cover legal fees. Glad to see i didn’t get scammed.
I dont want to grow a goatee though
Nope, a newly modified canola strain has about 2 years before the fungus can overcome it. And a new strain needs to be introduced. And those new strains are getting harder and harder to produce.
We are only 5 years ahead of a fungus that makes farmland unusable. And that 5 year gap is shortening every year because the fungus is evolving faster then our ability to genetically modify crops to combat it. This fungus is in almost every field in north America and is related to the fungus that took out the bananas in the past.
If you have an American flag in Canada, there are only 2 options. 1 you’re a traitor, or 2, you’re an enemy.
How about canada sends a small gift at rapid speeds to that fuck.
I had them often when I was smoking. Quit and haven’t had many in the 12 years since.