I’m an American atheist and you’re a chauvinist troglodyte
framing every single girl wearing a baggy dress
You definitely don’t know what’s an abaya, and it’s purpose. But it’s ok, you are an american. I don’t expect much. They can dress baggy dresses. They can dress baggy pants and sweat-shirts. Do you know what they can’t wear? religious attire.
it is punishing children for adhering to a clearly mostly benign cultural practice
Nice choice of words. using “Adhering” to white wash that they are forced to use it, Otherwise how do you explain that that only women wears abayas and the boys don’t wear qamis? Do you think that women are more religious than men?
this all fits within a larger framework of plainly anti-Muslim policy forcing people to either assimilate or have no place in public life.
The law is the same for everybody. Jewish people, can’t wear kippah, shtreimel and tallits. Go cry a river. And btw, they should assimilate. Not assimilating means living in ghettos, something that you as american should know about it (since there are a lot of them in US).
The abaya ban It’s only in schools. Not in universities.
You are a muslim shill. Look at the egypt!
How it started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZIqdrFeFBk
How is it going: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/28/weekinreview/28slackman.html
Or this: https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/07/28/an-egyptian-womans-brutal-killing-sparks-renewed-hijab-debate/
The bold is mine. It’s for you to not miss it!