Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.
Looks like the Mori clan crest from japan.
The dance is specifically lazy. And why does it keep popping up on my social media?
I think you are thinking of the steam machines.
So a steam machine.
I feel like you guys don’t get the point of this sub.
Those thoughts aren’t true but I understand having mental blocks.
Why do you have to wait until you aren’t living with your parents?
When was the last time you spoke to an old high school friend? Or even a neighbor? Maybe converse with the people in line with you next time you are at the store. Little steps add up. The friends I have now were old college roommates with me before I dropped out. A few years after moving out of that apartment I had a therapist challenge me to reach out to someone I knew. I did that and talked about how I was reaching out to people having a standing weekly get together with and they responded well to that idea. In the years since then they have had three kids and they all call me uncle.
Your situation is surprisingly close to mine. Though I have a few things that get me out of the house a few times a week. I have a church I am invested in and friends I try to visit with each week. Both of those were conscious choices I had to make. No one would have been able to do them for me. Be brave and try something you know is good for mental health. It is difficult and there are no guarantees but eventually something will work. Then you have to maintain whatever that is and find another one. I’m not out of the hole yet and sometimes I don’t know if I will ever be normal. But I have people I care about and care about me.
Getting straight up ketamine is cheaper but insurance won’t cover it.
Not only that, eseketamine is less effective against depression than racemic ketamine and arketamine.
My brother posted his amateur edm music and almost immediately had it stolen by a large music corp and then got content id flagged. Its pretty clear IP laws are written by thieves to protect their stolen goods.
The title doesn’t match the article.
And there is more than one of these? Enough to form a genre?
The fuck is an object show?
Yeah pretty toxic.
Not that I know of.