itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Counter point, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    I’m not gonna argue your brother (“my sister in law is the wife of a cop” is a strange way to say that) is evil simply for being a cop, no, but your brother does defend bad cops all the time. Every cop does. They call it a brotherhood for a reason, and the expectation is that their brotherhood runs deeper than yours. Be aware of that and keep him aware too. Because if he’s “one of the good ones” he’s in real danger if ever he spoke out against the bad ones. Real, life threatening danger. That I can say that of police and back it up with a dozen examples of cops killing other cops should at the very least give you pause.

    By the way if you do the “don’t assume their gender” thing from my assumption that it’s your brother, oh boy they’re in a lot more danger than I originally thought.

  • with Liberty Safe Inc getting into trouble if they didn’t comply.

    Only if the warrant included Liberty Safe themselves. Which it most certainly did not.

    There is no legal obligation they have to cooperate with law enforcement in investigations they aren’t subjects of. That’s true of every company in America. Every person in America too, for that matter.

    I don’t disagree with them for doing so, nor do I disagree with you in that they would’ve gotten that safe open anyway. But don’t conflate a business being willing to bend over for law enforcement as an obligation. It rarely ever is. Lots of MAGA morons here doing exactly that too, saying the government overstepped. They didn’t. They just asked, Liberty complied willingly. If you’ve got a problem here, it’s with that company.

    See the Apple case for all the nitty gritty in that. Apple doesn’t cooperate with Law Enforcement.

  • If people around here were claiming Republicans to be the better choice, I’d point to their crimes instead

    Again, your history doesn’t show you doing that, ever. Even if it did, this isn’t defensible. You’re just a troll. This right here is why I’m recommending everyone reading block you. And why I’m blocking you myself. You’re just a contrarian and that serves exactly one side and one side only. We know that hand over fist.

    Now you know that, you can’t pretend you’ve never been told. If you honestly think you’re being genuine and not just a disingenuous shit, then I implore you: Go look in the mirror and question yourself a bit about this interaction.


  • You’re not wrong, you’re just being very picky about where you interject your view here. The context here was (until you changed it) American politics. You’re deliberately changing the context so you can trash one side of American politics as equivalent to the other. And you do that a lot. We can all see.

    What you’re doing isn’t clever, it’s transparent. You’re just interjecting “both sides” arguments everytime you encounter folks in support of Democrats. Your history is public, fyi.

    I can also assure you the nation you’re residing in today has skeletons in their closet too. Wanna test that theory? It is admittedly irrelevant to the topic of US politics, yes, but you’re the one making the comparison and you’re the one trying to tell people not to support Democrats because they’re just as bad as the Republicans. Nevermind being terrible shitty logic, let’s back up: are you even American? You talk as if you’re not. That’s telling us something in and of itself isn’t it?

    I’m happy to drag this out with you, you’ll only expose yourself more.

  • It means you’re stretching far.

    Before you stammer out more rhetorical bullshit that serves as a strawman, let’s back up. My opinion on what crime means in the context here (and yours) don’t matter. It’s got a clear definition. In this case, we’re talking about US federal laws and elected party members who break them.

    The war crimes you’re talking about apply to virtually every major leader in the world if you look to see who’s on the other side of their money. That’s largely just a function of political opinion.

    Fact is the US isn’t a party to the pertinent bits of the Geneva Convention, which is your best example of an authority capable of prosecuting “war crimes”.

    The hard historical reality is that “war crimes” are what the winning side says of the differing tactics of the losing side.

    I’m not going to get sucked into a debate on the ethics and morals of geopolitics and the existence of warfare among the human species. That’s a fools errand to try to achieve anonymously online.

  • Fully aware of that, doesn’t mean they’re incapable of repeating propaganda for the other side. It happens all the time. You know the phrase tax relief right? Of course you do. You’ve heard it used by people from across the gamut. Every time they do they reinforce what is a distinctively conservative political tenet: that taxes are inherently afflictions to be relieved. Not a debt to society for services rendered.

    That’s a Republican viewpoint. And it’s deliberate. They drilled that phrase like they drilled the words freedom and terrorist down our throats. Coordinated fashion across literally hundreds of talking heads since the 80s. It’s so strong that virtually everyone has the same knee jerk reaction to just the thought of taxes. Young Democrats vote against spending bills, vote against higher taxes, all the time. They’re afflictions. We believe that now as a society, it only took 30 years or less. That’s the effect of propaganda.

    It’s called framing, and when done correctly you can’t even broach topics without reinforcing the opposition unless you’re extremely careful.

    This panel is a clear example of the power of framing. It’s the result of the last three generations being told all politicians are equally scum bags, that the very job itself is dishonest. That’s propaganda. It sets up the excuse “the other side does it too” when the damn well don’t.

    It’s reinforcing the notion that the Democrats must be commiting crimes at an equal pace. That’s not just false, it’s absolutely absurd. There is no comparison to make between the two parties in the regard that this comic makes, and yet it makes it. That begs the question, doesn’t it?

    Sooo again, all ears on what crimes Democrats might be sweating over (as directly implied by the comic).

  • The irony of people posting on web applications they utilize for their own enjoyment, “applications don’t belong on web browsers” is killing me here.

    There is a portion of the tech industry with their head stuck firmly up their ass and it seems a lot of em hang out in the fediverse. These people would demand we go back to party lines and manual switchboards. Techno-hipsters who are just angry at the next generation who took their BBS internet and actually made the world use it.

    Downvote me, that’s fine. Use that interactivity application on your browser. Go be the very definition of irony. Please.