• 24 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2021


  • As to the OP mentioning, “I like how Putin clarified that Soviet Ukrainianization and indigenization of other areas of the USSR was not a bad policy in principle” I think this is best read as reactionary nationalist stuff. Basically that people of a culture should stick together, that there’s a duty to blood there, to preserving culture, to a commonality. You hear the same stuff from many reactionary thinkers.

    How is it reactionary and nationalist to have a shared Belarussian, Ukrainian and Russian space where each national identity flourishes but is also interconnected? If Putin wants to live in harmony with Belarus or pre-maidan and to some extent post-maidan Ukraine instead of devouring them, where’s the issue?

    In the interview he also admitted the superiority of China and it’s economy to Russia. He said that Russia is not much of a threat to US hegemony but China is. Having a population of 1.4B to Russia’s 140m and growing at 5%, having the largest economy.

  • He said that it was a good idea in principle to promote the indigenous languages and culture of the Soviet Republics (Ukrainianization) around 18:55. Im not saying he’s a leftist, just that he’s abandoned the vocal anti-communism.

    KPRF critiqued his speech of February 2022 saying that it was Lenin who united the territories of the empire which were divided by local nationalists. What he said is similar and clarifies whether he believes Lenin made a mistake in shaping Ukraine vs just how things played out in the long run.

    He said this time that the Soviet Union lived as a unified state with harmony between Russians and Ukrainians and the fault lied to the governments of Yeltsin, Gorbachev and himself for tearing off Ukraine from this shared space.

  • KPRF expects a center-left shift in Putin’s politics as Putin has said that capitalism is dead. But so far he hasn’t spoken of an alternative. https://tass.com/economy/1352463

    “Everyone says that the existing model of capitalism, which the basis of social structure in the overwhelming majority of countries, has run its course,” the head of state said, speaking on Thursday at a meeting of the Valdai International Club.

    According to him, this model can no longer offer a way out of the “snarl of increasingly tangled contradictions.”

    “Everywhere, even in the richest countries and regions, the uneven distribution of material wealth leads to aggravating inequality,” the head of state added.

    SR (“21st-century socialist” party, 3rd largest party in the Duma) believe that Putin is the only “socialist” in Russia’s leadership (because thanks to him their social laws and initiatives have been accepted) and they support him electorally to reduce the influence of United Russia which also backs him. At the same time, they are also looking to unite with KPRF.


  • Edit: Patriotic education is supported by the communist party, self-hating Russians are too common. Textbooks made by George Soros for years have been teaching kids to hate the country. Students burn their passports, 1/3 students want to leave the country. Putin only change this in 2023 when abandoned by the west. Russian, and Soviet history will no longer be villainised. Russia is nothing like the Western portrayal of it, Z flags and Russian jingoism are far far more common in Serbia than in Russia. Compare Djokovic’s fans to the anti-war Medvedev, Rublev etc.

    As Meduza has previously reported, this course was invented by the Russian authorities after the beginning of the full-scale war to explain to students “where Russia is going.” Meduza sources close to the Kremlin have pointed out that this “ideological” course is essentially a direct equivalent of the “scientific communism” taught in Soviet-era universities.

    Russia being far right:

    Zhirinovsky was the leader of the most right wing faction in the Russian duma and the 2nd political party in the Soviet Union (Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union) before he died in 2022 and I would only describe him as centre-right, he supported the August coup by Soviet hardliners against Gorbachev. The real right-wing, Russian monarchists, were against this.

    Putin has transformed the country from what it was in 1999, taking back a lot of power.

    The communist party is the largest one in the world that’s not in power. Representing 10-20% of the population, they’ve only become stronger as the country recognizes China’s success.

    Lots of far-right parties/groups are banned, not just nazi ones, imperial ones too.

    On LGBT he said that they should be able to represent themselves. This is the opposite of what a far-right person would have said. He said this when asked by a Serb weather being LGBT is mandatory for winning western competitions.

    But I’ll tell you something unexpected. They too – these topics and these people – have the right to win, show and tell, because this is also part of society. This is also what people live by. It’s bad if they just win all sorts of competitions, that’s of no use.

    I believe if China can deal with Israel, then Russia should be allowed to find whatever allies they want. PIS isn’t committing genocide.

  • I think the Democrats are unpopular so they’ve relaxed on migrants (as migrants are more democratic) which is good for migrants but also pretty opportunistic.

    Even most democratic voters call the situation at the border “an invasion”, which I don’t agree with but the fact is Democrats are choosing to change course when it is unpopular in their own camp. Secondly, we all know it’s not cause of empathy with migrants, they clearly lack that.

    Democrats are trying to maintain power even at the cost of destabilization, Republicans don’t want Texas, with it’s 38 electoral seats to turn blue. Biden only lost in 2020 by 5%.