The thought did cross my mind early on.
The thought did cross my mind early on.
On Saturday, I’ll be attending a retirement dinner for my mom. It’ll be the first time she’ll get to try authentic Indian food. Then on Sunday I’d like to get my metal detector out with my new coil that I got for Christmas. Hopefully the ground won’t be too frozen.
Elden Ring. I’ve been meaning to try it out. My friends have been hounding me to play it, but I’ve not had a chance to play any Souls Like games so I’ve been hesitant to purchase. Whether I’m a winner or not, thank you for the generous giveaway! Happy Holidays!
I had the same problem with not being able to see comments, even in my own thread. I found that the issue was with the language I selected in my settings. I was told to select ‘Undetermined’ but I think this only let me see other undetermined posts and not those who have theirs set to English. So I clicked the big ‘X’ next to them in settings (deselecting any language) and now I see everyone’s comments. Hope that helps.
Thank you everyone for your responses. I think I’m going to agree with the posts that this is a cylindrical square. And most likely shop made. The four holes may have had a obscure use specific to the shop.