I think this is really silly and inefficient. Instead of having to figure out whether every single product is unhealthy just ban food adverts altogether. Cooking from scratch is way better for you but isn’t advertised. Level the playing field.
I think this is really silly and inefficient. Instead of having to figure out whether every single product is unhealthy just ban food adverts altogether. Cooking from scratch is way better for you but isn’t advertised. Level the playing field.
Feeling a bit insecure are you, dairy industry?
I have no idea who would do something like that…
I think it might be an evolutionary thing where if you’re not getting enough sleep your body gives you a temporary boost because there must be a problem that needs to be solved.
Not getting enough sleep is really bad in the long term though. Check in with us again on day five or six so we can support you with your worsening mental and emotional state, compromised immune system and shrivelled pituitary gland.
It’s a funny way to put animals off - they might have the most sublime, healing and fascinating time or a completely terrifying one but the fact remains that because it takes the best part of an hour to kick in they will probably still have no idea what caused it.
Account is one hour old and this post is its only activity.
If an appimage is available you could probably just move it across on a USB drive.
I would probably just feed as many hungry people for as long as possible.
Man after my own heart.
A cemetery, a dried river bed and the basement of a derelict school. All backpacking in eastern Europe.
So the government is talking about making the price of sugar artificially high by putting a tax on it, while at the same time keeping it artificially low by killing loads of bees.
Makes sense.
Something is fundamentally wrong with the system. It produces new problems faster than it solves old ones and almost everyone is miserable and sick.
[…] the condition health researchers refer to as “overweight” was defined as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 25 kilograms per square meter (kg/m²) to less than 30 kg/m² and obesity as a BMI of 30 kg/m² or higher.
What if you have someone who is really thin from the side but really fat from the front?
The US isn’t really a stable and reliable partner any more. And now that we’re not in the EU we’re less of an asset for the US. I’m definitely in favour of closer ties to Europe again.
Unless China wants to work something out. I’m easy.
I think I see the thinking here: surround yourself with people who dont make you look so bad.
You have to spend a lot of money to get to the places where the heroin is cheap…
What do you recommend?