[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)
In other words, “I have no rebuttal”
That’s what they default to, yeah. Every time they’re in a corner it’s lol or lmao.
This you?
#owned #epicstyle 😎👉👉
Some things are just too fucking stupid to entertain. This is one of those things.
The kid broke a rule. Got banned. Cry about it all you want, but the fact remains.
Nah, you were backed into a corner and couldn’t come up with a real response. Play it off all you like, but your behaviour is incredibly transparent.
Nah. I get to say what my reaction means. Not you. Cool?
Okay, Cool.
Whatever helps you sleep at night lmao
Autonomy is a pretty big deal to me. Maybe you like people telling you how you think and feel about things, but I’m personally not a big fan of it…
so l, yeah… I sleep better having told people who try to build a straw man out of my reactions to kindly fuck off.
Which is what I did.