I use a wheelchair for my primary mode of transportation, at best I can take 2-3 steps before pain overtakes me for the next week. The only reason I can live indoors is because of my wife who supports us. Even at my physically best, pain is a constant distraction, enough so that maintain a conversation can be difficult.
There are people in tents all around my city and without her I would be one of them, perpetually in pain and unable to function. In fact I would be lucky to simply be homeless, eating even irregularly would be difficult since I would have to be so close to to a shelter. Never mind getting my meds from across town.
It’s caused doubts in my ability to even feel loved and secure in the relationship simply because she knows what my reality would be without her. How could she break up with me when she knows that is what would happen? It happens to most people. I’m the luckiest version of these circumstance, and while I am infinitely thankful, it’s a sobering scary realization.
Similar situation. For every person with my illness who is like me lucky to have a stable living situation, I know a near equal amount that killed themselves due to lack of help, a near equal amount who died due to poverty and not being able to treat treatable complications of the illness or malnutrition, I know a near equal amount who made a worrying plea for help saying they would go homeless, and by the time the community could organise some help they were unreachable and never to be heard from again.
I use a wheelchair for my primary mode of transportation, at best I can take 2-3 steps before pain overtakes me for the next week. The only reason I can live indoors is because of my wife who supports us. Even at my physically best, pain is a constant distraction, enough so that maintain a conversation can be difficult.
There are people in tents all around my city and without her I would be one of them, perpetually in pain and unable to function. In fact I would be lucky to simply be homeless, eating even irregularly would be difficult since I would have to be so close to to a shelter. Never mind getting my meds from across town.
It’s caused doubts in my ability to even feel loved and secure in the relationship simply because she knows what my reality would be without her. How could she break up with me when she knows that is what would happen? It happens to most people. I’m the luckiest version of these circumstance, and while I am infinitely thankful, it’s a sobering scary realization.
Similar situation. For every person with my illness who is like me lucky to have a stable living situation, I know a near equal amount that killed themselves due to lack of help, a near equal amount who died due to poverty and not being able to treat treatable complications of the illness or malnutrition, I know a near equal amount who made a worrying plea for help saying they would go homeless, and by the time the community could organise some help they were unreachable and never to be heard from again.