See- this is a problem. Illegal immigration means one thing, but people hear it and think of a family speaking spanish in the grocery store and assume them to be what ‘illegal immigrants’ are. People just ascribe anything vagely unknown to them as ‘illegal immigrants’ and want it gone not realizing that most of the time the people they are imagining are here legally. It’s still racism but with a technically safe cover word, but many are hearing one thing and thinking another.
So when everyone is talking about illegal immigrants they could mean completely different things depending on who you talk to.
And the question they never ask, is why is there a multi-year wait list? It’s like what steam said about piracy. It’s not a price issue, it’s a service/availability issue.
If undocumented immigrants are a problem, then document them. No need to sneak in if they can just walk through the port of entry and get a job.
Or, I don’t know, just go after the companies and individuals found employing people who don’t have a legal right to work in the country, with fines that can’t be dismissed as a cost of doing business and prison time for those responsible. If there were truly significant consequences for employing people who cannot legally work in the country, people would stop offering exploitative jobs to undocumented immigrants and I can’t help but imagine that people would stop coming, once the primary reason they currently come ceased to exist. Probably also much more cost-effective to track down and nail a single employer, operating out of a fixed location, rather than chasing down 500 individuals working illegally for that company.
Of course, the flip side of this is that cost of living would suddenly see a huge spike once the restaurant, agriculture, construction and sanitation industries, amongst many others, no longer have ready access to a whole labor pool that can be easily exploited with minimal, if any, consequences. If people think groceries or eating out is expensive now, wait until they see the prices when those industries have to pay prevailing wages and benefits to US citizens in order to have staff.
Illegal immigration. That’s what he’s against.
No, I don’t like Trump, but I don’t feel the need to let people lie about him. I’d rather shit on him accurately, thank you very much.
See- this is a problem. Illegal immigration means one thing, but people hear it and think of a family speaking spanish in the grocery store and assume them to be what ‘illegal immigrants’ are. People just ascribe anything vagely unknown to them as ‘illegal immigrants’ and want it gone not realizing that most of the time the people they are imagining are here legally. It’s still racism but with a technically safe cover word, but many are hearing one thing and thinking another.
So when everyone is talking about illegal immigrants they could mean completely different things depending on who you talk to.
What they mean is:
Hispanic person who went through years of wait-lists and followed every step of the process to the letter of the law = Illegal Immigrant
White person who bribed immigration officials to get expedited entry = Legal Immigrant
Don’t forget literal war refugees given legal status = also illegal
And the question they never ask, is why is there a multi-year wait list? It’s like what steam said about piracy. It’s not a price issue, it’s a service/availability issue.
If undocumented immigrants are a problem, then document them. No need to sneak in if they can just walk through the port of entry and get a job.
Or, I don’t know, just go after the companies and individuals found employing people who don’t have a legal right to work in the country, with fines that can’t be dismissed as a cost of doing business and prison time for those responsible. If there were truly significant consequences for employing people who cannot legally work in the country, people would stop offering exploitative jobs to undocumented immigrants and I can’t help but imagine that people would stop coming, once the primary reason they currently come ceased to exist. Probably also much more cost-effective to track down and nail a single employer, operating out of a fixed location, rather than chasing down 500 individuals working illegally for that company.
Of course, the flip side of this is that cost of living would suddenly see a huge spike once the restaurant, agriculture, construction and sanitation industries, amongst many others, no longer have ready access to a whole labor pool that can be easily exploited with minimal, if any, consequences. If people think groceries or eating out is expensive now, wait until they see the prices when those industries have to pay prevailing wages and benefits to US citizens in order to have staff.
Or if you’re a Ukrainian refugee.
Unless you provide $5 million, then it doesn’t matter, right?
If the government can sell citizenship for $5M why can’t citizens? I will gladly sell mine for $5M, and I know I am not the only one.
I was more talking about the ILlEGaLs argument. As long as they bring money, no one gives a shit lol. Backwards ass mentality.