Yeah I’ll have a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sir. You are holding up the drive through.
Chicken enchirito
Annnnd theeennnnnn???
Combo or by itself?
Could we add a magic system? Like the kind that will just fuck everything up, and brings enormous health benefits as you improve
Get me a big tiddy goth girlfriend?
Can you cure my depression
Yea, cure this guy’s depression
Empathy for everyone, without the ability to suppress it using drugs.
You’re going to need to be VERY specific about how much empathy a person can feel, or else being in a crowd will cripple someone, and doctors would never be able to perform emergency surgery or help a woman give birth. Orgasms would be fantastic though!
I want a buttplug that’s programmed to win the next elections.
this was the best and worst thing I’ve read all day
For all of us to have a good day tomorrow
Can you pick up some frozen peas?
I want to have your powers, too. Thanks.
Phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range
Hey, just what you see pal.
Trash throwed at the bin across the room go into it everytime, without fail.
Make me a cis girl pleeeeeeease :3
Jessica Jessica
Some potato chips.
A pack of condoms and, uh… What was it that I used to eat all the time back in the day? Oh yeah, some pussy.
I don’t think they’re allowed to sell that any more
I see you used to buy “hare” meat in medieval times
Financial freedom would be pretty neat if you could swing it my good wizard dude
You are transported to the neolithic period.
Hmm… is anyone else with me?
I sent you to the middle of France.
Why do you hate Rizzo?
If there’s a place to be a Neolithic human, France seems like a solid bet tbh.