the first two are ADs. says right next to them.
wu’cha browsin’ nekkid for? get an ad blocker. that should be the very first thing that goes in your browser, then fix the default settings that nobody wants enabled. then go get your libreoffice and other stuff.
i like that someone maintains as a landing page for ubo with links to the appropriate addon site for your browser. makes it a little easier to get to on a new pc.
Eh… Give DDG the ad revenue?
They aren’t user tracking ads, they’re just contextual to the search, easily ignorable. I like whitelisting upstanding sites like that.
Okay, but then it’s weird to complain that DDG is “just like other browsers” because it has ads in the place where ads go.
I just meant search, IDK anything about the browser.
I run Cromite atm.
Sorry, I misspoke. I meant it’s weird to complain that it’s like other search engines because it shows ads if you’re deliberately enabling the ads to support them.
I think they’re complaining because they don’t know the context. DDG let’s you turn them off really easily. If they knew about that setting it would be them literally choosing to have their results look exactly like that and complaining about it.
Ehh… No thank you. I want to have a neutral search result.
If you ignore the ads and are never clicking on them, DDG most likely doesn’t get any revenue anyways.
with AdBlock the ad still loads, it’s only hidden for you. Also you probably have to click one IT to create revenue for DDG
Pretty sure you can just into ddg settings and turn ads off
Duckduckgo lets you turn off adds in their settings
Turn off ads. It’s not suppressing anything.
The site was my first result in Duck Duck Go search.
Do you have ad blockers? The EBay link and Microsoft link are both ads, which is why they appear first. I do get results similar to this if the ad blocker is disabled, but with Amazon instead.
adblocker here and using the same term op used i get nothing but legit links (including the auto-generated wiki info at the very top) all the way down the first ddg serp… except the last entry on that page, which wsa an seo operation using libreoffice content to game google and promote totally unrelated links.
You don’t need an ad blocker for DuckDuckGo, you can just turn off ads in the settings. Which makes complaining about them completely silly.
Same, and that was whether I searched with or without a space between ‘libre’ and ‘office’. In fact all ten results on the first page of results were directly related to the software - either links to the site itself, or reviews of the software.
It also somewhat embarrassingly revealed that the page title for is “Home | Your Site Name - your tagline here”…
Link is purple. Legit!
Not sure what your doing, but my mobile and desktop both show no ads and libre office as the first result.
Same, I just went to check and had the same result. Default Firefox browser (no add-ons or customization), no ad-blocker, DDG search for “libre office” and the top 3 results were direct links to download it, and the 4th was a wiki article on it
Pls remove post
DDG ads (the top two links) can be disabled within DDGs own settings (gear icon on the far upper right corner, directly below the search bar magnifying glass icon). That said, one should still run ublock origin & keep it updated.
Bullshit. My first result is Libre Office official site.
Naw. While typing it auto completes to the right thing and both versions (with and without whitespace) have the right link as first result.
DuckDuckGo uses Bing on the backend. That’s not entirely surprising.
Welcome to the internet, friend.
I wish, they would make the ads at least a tiny bit more obvious. Like, it’s almost certainly illegal in my country that they’re not, but it also just makes DuckDuckGo look terrible, when something like this happens.
Well ddg uses bing on the backend, so this doesn’t surprise me. I am wondering what it is they are selling on eBay. Is someone burning these to DVD roms and selling those or something? Or laptops preloaded with Linux?
Nothing to do with Bing, it’s paid ads, that can be disabled.
Well technically don’t they use the bing ad network?
No they don’t.
Got the name wrong. It is called Microsoft Advertising. Source:
Used to be you could just search ooo for open office org