Say this on more mainstream politics communities and get downvoted all the way into the core of the earth.
Liberals have nothing to offer other than vote harder and if that doesn’t work, protest ineffectively and not annoy anyone.
My new favorite useless protest I came across was doing nothing for 10 minutes at 2pm every day. Who the fuck comes up with this shit? Protest that nobody notices and inconveniences no one doesn’t do shit.
We need a stay at home* wildcat general strike. Remember when covid hit and most people were forced to stay home? Let’s do that again but without the threat of covid. Let’s see how the capitalists like that. No working, no shopping, nothing, until they abdicate. And if not, violence. we only have one chance to get this right and we’re running out of time as the technofascists become more powerful everyday.
*stay at home because how will bloodthirsty trump attack protesters if they’re all home? It’s a lot easier to beat the shit out of people gathered in the streets than it is to figure out where everyone involved lives and drag them out of their houses. “Sorry I’m sick with the flu and diarrhea can’t work till musk is deported”
Great - now get it done.
Oh right the pouty left doesn’t actually do anything except prevent the Democrats from doing anything. Well, and throwing soup in history museums. That’s very popular.
Probably what’s getting downvoted is your shitty attitude which focuses more on labelling and being angry at people who don’t actually oppose you
That’s the perfect response to a lot of comments on Lemmy, but not the one you’re responding to. I don’t see the “shitty attitude” unless it’s “shitty” to speak plainly.
“liberals… [Insert generalization]”
Many people don’t align with what a “liberal” is but they get told they objectively are one, often based on one sentence that has nothing to do with anything
I’m never up-to-speed on the lingo, liberals or progressives or tankies or whatever. I yam what I yam, but none of the labels fit so I don’t take it personally. :)
What a LIBERAL thing to say!!!
Why, thank you.
The world would be a perfect socialist paradise if not for you! JUDGEMENT
See that user’s response to me for an example of being called a liberal. As an added bonus, I’m “tone policing” them
No, it’s literally vote blue no matter who blue MAGA cope land. They don’t see the democrats as controlled opposition but as legitimate, which is insane, because no real opposition party would be behaving like this under these circumstances.
As a queer person, too bad about my shitty attitude. I’m not going to be tone policed by liberals as they block any effort to stop the rise of fascism. I fucking despise them. They brought us fascism.
This is entirely true. The Democrats are silent and have abandoned the people.
I mean, wouldn’t a lot of the corporate democrats gain from a Trump presidency? Just sit back and get those tax cuts. Then they can just retire as the world burns.
The left’s “Tea Party” moment is far, far overdue.
Democratic party sidelined Bernie and constantly sabotaged efforts to pass legislative reform that would benefit workers and the people. They were never an opposition party to authoritarian rule, they were part of the corporate regime that sometimes made concessions, and it was only when the constituents threw and absolute shit fit.
Outside of the DNC fuckery around Bernie’s 2016 run, he still didn’t win enough primaries.
Yes, be mad at the DNC for that, but Bernie wasn’t a shoo-in by any stretch - he literally didn’t win enough votes from Democrats in the primaries.
Trump’s whole thing ran off of anti-establishment energy, without even being anti-establishment. Bernie was the real thing, and would have been drawing from the same energy.
He’d have won.
Bernie’s candidacy, and occasionally when AOC speaks up loud enough to make the news, are the only times my right-tilted family and acquaintances have ever seemed impressed by anything of the left.
Yes, Bernie would’ve won. That’s why the Democratic Party blocked him.
I like to think so, but honestly I don’t know.
I forgot which primary, but conservative democrats formed a coalition where everyone but Biden withdrew, forcing Bernie to split the vote with another progressive candidate .
That’s called Politics. They all want to win and they all make deals to help themselves at the expense of their opponents.
Bernie could’ve offered Pete and Klob the VP spot or whatever prestigious position they wanted to stay in the race and keep splitting the vote.
But the real issue is that Bernie never solved his problem from '16 which was that he is not popular with black people in the south. It killed him twice.
Wow it’s amazing these powerhouses of national politics pulled out just to screw Bernie over.
I mean Rick Ojeda, sure, he’s always hated Bernie, but Mike Gravel? You’d think he and Bernie would be friends!
They’re not offering any serious opposition because they’re not seriously opposed to it. Sure, they would prefer a neoliberal technocracy, but they’ll settle for plutocracy, especially if it prevents any kind of true democracy from taking hold.
They were always a tool of the corporate authoritarian regime. Never a real opposition party.
Most of them are complicit in this. Their opposition is feigned or bought.
Also, robots are stealing our luggage
Controlled Opposition
Controlled Opposition: a strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by a 3rd party and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance and/or political/social manipulation. In most cases the controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party.
• Preempt or neutralize true but negative information by having it be disclosed or championed in a skewed/stigmatized manner by a person or group. The truth can be peppered with disinformation or the truth of the message can be neutralized by association due to the extreme, radical, or unpalatable positions held by the controlled entity (person or group) who is disclosing the information or is “championing” a position. The stigmatized or adulterated truth in turn steers people away from truthful information which would normally cause criticism or a serious backlash against the controlling party. Stigmatized truth also greatly inhibits independent research into sensitive areas (usually involving criminal acts by the controlling entity) and serves to manipulate social dynamics in a manner in which it becomes taboo to publicly discuss sensitive (albeit critically important) subjects.
The Dems are the Washington Generals.
Why would a party owned by tech billionaires try to stop a coup by tech billionaires?
They will burn this country down, before they’d consider doing anything to upset the megadonors.
Which shines a light on the real problem.
In most elections we have a shitty option. And a shittier option.
Everyone is letting murica die with a whimper!
Pelosi and her trades, not only get featured regularly on Unusual Whales, but there’s an entire subreddit following her stock trades. Schumer and Jefferies are of the same cloth. In it for themselves.
The rot goes to the very top.
Three good people, willing to stand up to this admin, is not enough to change the course of the DNC. Frankly I wish they would yeet Jill Stein into fucking space and take the green party. I’d definitely vote for them.
always yelling “the Democrats should do something!” but never saying for example what…
interest groups were mad at Senate democrats so the Senate Dems started filibustering everything they can (all confirmations are not subject to filibuster), and forcing the longest delays possible for all confirmations by using all of their speaking time.
did the whining jagoffs say, “finally thank you for at least doing something!” No. They just keep accusing Democrats of not doing enough.
figure it out
I’m done listening to this crap. Democrats are doing what they can with the incredibly limited power they have.