A decision to negotiate over the heads of the Ukrainians would reveal just how Trump sees Ukraine and Europe.
Disclaimer: The article linked is from a single source with a single perspective. Make sure to cross-check information against multiple sources to get a comprehensive view on the situation.
What, you think Ukrainians are going to stop defending their homes just because Trump stops sending them fancy weapons? That’s not how this works. The war isn’t going to end. It’s just going to get a lot nastier.
At some point all of them will die. That’s how colonialism works.
The power dynamic just isn’t skewed enough here for that. Ukraine is not exactly a major world power, but Russia’s not exactly looking like a superpower either. Even if the US switching sides is enough for them to plant a flag in Kyiv, the simple fact of the matter is that Russia does not have the capacity to occupy a country the size of Ukraine. Planting a flag in Kyiv is the EASY part. It only gets harder from there. You only have to look at any war the US has been involved in to see that in action.
That’s not how genocide works. After the population is gone, its easy. Look at what the US and Canada did to North America. Look at what the US is doing right now to Gaza.
That’s not military occupations work. There are tens of millions of people in Ukraine. Even if you could kill them at a rate of 1 per second and they never fought back that would still be decades of killing. North America started with a lower population before white guys showed up and had every plague on the planet hitting the Americas at the same time to do most of the dirty work and it still took centuries. The sheer logistics of trying to kill everyone in Ukraine are just beyond the capacity of Russia to achieve, even if they didn’t resist. And that’s even assuming they lose the war, which got a lot more likely, but still isn’t a given. There just isn’t the political will in Russia to commit to centuries of genocide against serious opposition, no matter how much Putin wants it to be true.
That is how colonial genocide works.
There were tens of millions in America that were almost completely exterminated (some estimates range up to 100 million)
Yes, biological weapons help. And Russia has many weapons of mass destruction in their arsenal.
We’re just going to go in circles at this point, so I guess I’ll just let Iraq, Afganistan, and Vietnam know they’ve been conquered and are part of the US now and resistance is futile. Or maybe only the US can fail? I’ll let Afganistan know they’re part of Russia instead then.
Or maybe I should just stop trying to have a rational discussion with a troll and go to bed.