I’m feeling like going back to No Man’s Sky, but, but, Elite Dangerous and Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Oh, decisions, decisions.
#NoMansSky #EliteDangerous #Gaming #FFVIIRemake #Videogames
I’m feeling like going back to No Man’s Sky, but, but, Elite Dangerous and Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Oh, decisions, decisions.
#NoMansSky #EliteDangerous #Gaming #FFVIIRemake #Videogames
@[email protected] If you don’t mind a random interjection, perhaps it might be worth taking a look at Empyrion if you like stuff like No Man’s Sky. You can even build your own ships. It has its fair share of limitations, but the space in it looks more like the space in Elite Dangerous (eg more realistic instead of every single place you ever visit being inside a planetary nebula of various colors with planets all strangely close to each other.)
Sorry for the random plug, just a game I really love. (I don’t even watch streams anymore, so feel free to 100% ignore me!)
@[email protected] uhm that name does ring a bell. I think I have it in my library too, if I recall correctly it was one of those games gifted by EGS during December or so
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check it out
@[email protected] No problem. It’s a lot less AAA and it shows, but it can be tons of fun sometimes.
I suggest if you don’t have a group, go ahead and set combat to easy. The game seems to be natively balanced for a group of probably four or so.