For example, I created this post with this image hosted on as URL. The post never made it to ![email protected].
However, the same post with the same image hosted on made it just fine.
This is just one example. I’ve made at least a dozen such posts and each time this happens without fail - unless the URL is something other than a image.
Not sure where to report this…
Instance doesn’t seem actively managed:
It is and isn’t. This instance is built around an old school style BBS with public access to a Unix cluster. We post on the BBS to get admin attention.
Do you know when they’ll update to 0.19.4?
I don’t know. I’ll ask when I can get back to my PC. Using termux on my phone for that is unusable clunky for me.
Well, we got 0.19.8 just a few minutes ago. So I guess now.
That’s nice!
Send an email to [email protected] and they will help.
I have never had this problem, but it is obvious it exists from your comments here.
Editing to add: Now that I think about it, I’ve seemingly been the only one to be able to see or comment on some of @[email protected] 's posts on [email protected] .
Either someone did something or it somehow made it 12 hours late - which happens every once in a while too.
Anyhow, I deleted it so it doesn’t show up twice…