error: unknown start of token: \u{37e} --> src/ | 2 | println!("Hello, world!"); | ^ | help: Unicode character ';' (Greek Question Mark) looks like ';' (Semicolon), but it is not | 2 | println!("Hello, world!"); | ~ error: could not compile `playground` (bin "playground") due to previous error
That’s a well designed compiler.
Replacing semicolons with Greek question marks? Easy fix.
Terminating identifiers with Greek question marks? Pure evil.
I love that this implies Visual Studio is not worth its salt, because it most certainly isn’t.
Depends on the language.
For .net, it’s pretty hard to beat.
For anything else, I use vscode. Its a great all-around IDE/editor.
Visual Studio is pretty good.
You should check out Jetbrains Rider. It feels like cheating. Or ReSharper if you can’t leave VS completely
I absolutely love Rider but Visual Studio with resharper is still king for WPF and Android development.
Imagine not programming in Vim 💀
nvim + coc.nvim + coc-clangd (or other language LSP implementations) will give you the conveniences of modern IDEs + the power and speed of vim 🙂
Vim again, showing why the superior text editor.
Just throwing in Helix here.
I use Helix and Nvim pretty much concurrently and whenever I have to use vim I feel slower on most basic movements. A fresh set of keybinds is really nice - though simultaneously there are one or two specific actions which are slower or unintuitive in Helix. But overall I love Helix.