It’s one of the ugliest most undignified forms of service refusal. They just simply drop packets from Tor. Not even enough courtesy to send a 403 forbidden. So visitors are left guessing whether the website is down, slow, or giving deliberate mistreatment. People then have to try different browsers with different timeout thresholds to investigate.

There is no apparent mirror or alternative site hosting Florida statutes. has a cache of some laws but FL state gets zero credit for that.

(update) in fact there are two state sites for legal statutes and both block tor:

I would love it if someone would successfully argue in court “sorry I broke that law but I could not inform myself of the law because every time I tried to reach the state’s website for statutes it just timed out” – and get away with it.

    2 months ago

    This seems like two odd decisions that I’d really like to know the thought process behind. Why block Tor to begin with, and why specifically packet loss? It makes me wonder if it’s some kind of odd attempt at a honeypot, though that seems unlikely. Thus interesting to know about. Thanks for posting.