i always find it odd how the media paints MAPs as child abusers, even the ones who haven’t touched a child in their lives. most MAPs i have met care about children to a heartwarming amount and show the most raw tender love i’ve ever s33n. even moreso than non-MAPs. hell, even moreso than parents

maybe it’s because we tend to view children as actual living, breathing humans. we view them as equals and find their innocence and curiosity charming

personally, as a hebephile, i find natural occurrences in t33nagers to be adorable and hot because i genuinely love t33nagers. the way their body changes quicker than they are ready for is wonderfully cute, and i want to support them through it unconditionally. i understand what it f33ls like, after all

i’ve researched that most people who rape children (emphasis on rape, without consent) are biastophiles or extreme sadists (no shade to either whatsoever) who enjoy the f33ling of power they get out of it. most of the time they are not MAPs

to add onto this, i believe that we as a society should have less of a harsh view towards biastophiles/rapists. they are people just like us, and deserve therapy and sympathy despite their horrible actions. the same goes for serial killers, imo. the stigma often surrounding them is very misguideded and doesn’t look towards the actual issue, but rather what they have done. rather than working to decrease child abuse cases or severe trauma, they are adamant on demonizing criminals and ostracizing them for what they have done.

this is not to say that they aren’t at fault whatsoever, and what they did was horrible, but it is to say that they deserve more sympathy

anywho, back to MAPs

i find oftentimes that we are painted in a similar light for things we haven’t even done. we are treated as horrible evil child molesters regardless of if we have had relations with children or not. we are treated as ticking timebombs that are counting down to the day we molest a child, despite most of us having good enough self control not to

what are your thoughts?

  • Violet Rose (she/it)@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    I almost completely agree, with the exception that I have zero personal interest in acceptance which is conditional on not “offending”. I’m not a YAP because I wanna wave a flag and have a label, as much as I enjoy those things, I’m a YAP because I’m aesthetically, romantically, and sexually attracted to youth, especially kids. If I can’t have a consensual sexual relationship with a chronological child and have it be legal yet, it’s not good enough, and whether or not I’ve ever “offended”, which I decline to state, I stand in moral solidarity with those who have.