But what matters, legal experts say, is what Biden didn’t do: He didn’t order the archivist of the United States to formally publish the amendment. And he didn’t direct the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to withdraw its written opinion that the deadline for ratification expired long ago.

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 months ago

    Bruh, here we go with this again (we had this topic come up a month ago on Lemmy):

    That’s not how amendments work.

    Amendments have legitimacy because every step of the process is done with everyone "okay"ing it and recognizing it. This is just silly, ERA’s timeframe for ratification clearly expired. I support the ERA too, but amendments don’t work like that. The Supreme court would say its invalid 9-0, I doubt even the “liberal” justices are gonna think an amendment that finished getting its ratification long after the deadline, including the congress’s extension (which in itself already has issues with that extension’s legitimacy), is gonna be okay to be accepted as a legitimate part of the constitution.

    Maybe next time, congress shouldn’t add a deadline to amendments?

    (Although it’d be funny to see the US going into a constitutional crisis even before orange mcfuckface took office 👀🍿)