Meta on Tuesday announced sweeping changes to how it moderates content that will roll out in the coming months, including doing away with professional fact checking. But the company also quietly updated its hateful conduct policy, adding new types of content users can post on the platform, effective immediately.
Are we going to get an article of every single thing you won’t get banned for saying on Facebook now? At the very least I expect to see one about every oppressed group.
“Facebook now allows users to call black people monkeys”
“Facebook now allows users to say all Muslims are terrorists”
“Facebook now allows you to refer to gay couples as pedophile groomers”
It’s like these writers are using what might happen as an opportunity to say their own shitty things. It’s like they’re giving suggestions.
Are we going to get an article of every single thing you won’t get banned for saying on Facebook now? At the very least I expect to see one about every oppressed group.
“Facebook now allows users to call black people monkeys”
“Facebook now allows users to say all Muslims are terrorists”
“Facebook now allows you to refer to gay couples as pedophile groomers”
It’s like these writers are using what might happen as an opportunity to say their own shitty things. It’s like they’re giving suggestions.