Philip K. Dick wrote a short story (“Autofac”) in which autonomous, self-replicating factories continue to operate and produce goods long after a global war has wiped out most of humanity, and they eat up all remaining resources on earth in doing so. I worry that there’s a system in which a few extremely rich people can continue thriving without involvement of most of humanity, and that they’re (knowingly or unknowingly) moving society in that direction. Who needs the commoners when AI and algorithms can simulate them.
IIUC the calculation of GDP doesn’t factor in whether the produced goods serve a human need - the system can in theory continue to optimize for ever-increasing GDP while every human on earth starves to death.
IIUC the calculation of GDP doesn’t factor in whether the produced goods serve a human need - the system can in theory continue to optimize for ever-increasing GDP while every human on earth starves to death.
There’s an old joke I remember about economists and the GDP.
Two economists are walking through the jungle and come across a gigantic pile of lion scat. One turns to the other and said I’ll pay you 100$ to eat a bite of that shit.
Being an economists and 100$ being worth a lot, the guy eats the shit and gets paid.
A little while later they come across a pile of rhino dung. The now richer economist turns to the first and offers 100$ for him to take a bite out of this pile. 100$ is again a lot of money so he does it and eats the shit.
As they’re walking along, both picking their teeth, one turns to the other and asks “did we both just eat shit for nothing?” And the other days “of course not, now the GDP of the jungle has increased by 200$!”
Well, technically 100% employment wouldn’t be desirable, that would mean nobody can ever switch jobs or take some time off from working to deal with some personal issues or projects.
No it’s that wages climb too much when unemployment is too low. The Feds even fucking said it during the inflation. They wanted a higher unemployment rate. Super fucked unless there was ever a basic income.
I think employment is based on those seeking work. So if you take time off, you wouldn’t be counted. It’s a balance in the market that stops wage rises and inflation when there is unemployment. It’s obviously not desirable for the individual.
Who needs the commoners when AI and algorithms can simulate them.
Being rich doesn’t exist in a vacuum but only in relation to other people, meaning if only billionaires survive, they’re not rich anymore. They need the poor majority.
spotify: fake artists
meta: fake users
google: fake results
i see a large trend.
Philip K. Dick wrote a short story (“Autofac”) in which autonomous, self-replicating factories continue to operate and produce goods long after a global war has wiped out most of humanity, and they eat up all remaining resources on earth in doing so. I worry that there’s a system in which a few extremely rich people can continue thriving without involvement of most of humanity, and that they’re (knowingly or unknowingly) moving society in that direction. Who needs the commoners when AI and algorithms can simulate them.
IIUC the calculation of GDP doesn’t factor in whether the produced goods serve a human need - the system can in theory continue to optimize for ever-increasing GDP while every human on earth starves to death.
There’s an old joke I remember about economists and the GDP.
Two economists are walking through the jungle and come across a gigantic pile of lion scat. One turns to the other and said I’ll pay you 100$ to eat a bite of that shit.
Being an economists and 100$ being worth a lot, the guy eats the shit and gets paid.
A little while later they come across a pile of rhino dung. The now richer economist turns to the first and offers 100$ for him to take a bite out of this pile. 100$ is again a lot of money so he does it and eats the shit.
As they’re walking along, both picking their teeth, one turns to the other and asks “did we both just eat shit for nothing?” And the other days “of course not, now the GDP of the jungle has increased by 200$!”
Correct; GDP is a dumb measure, and even its inventor said it cannot be used alone.
Yeah we need to be kept employed at around 94% (or at least not 100%) while we starve to death.
Well, technically 100% employment wouldn’t be desirable, that would mean nobody can ever switch jobs or take some time off from working to deal with some personal issues or projects.
No it’s that wages climb too much when unemployment is too low. The Feds even fucking said it during the inflation. They wanted a higher unemployment rate. Super fucked unless there was ever a basic income.
I think employment is based on those seeking work. So if you take time off, you wouldn’t be counted. It’s a balance in the market that stops wage rises and inflation when there is unemployment. It’s obviously not desirable for the individual.
I think of GDP as muscle mass on a body builder.
At a certain point, it just stops making sense and being healthy.
Some can’t even put on socks anymore, duh.
Check out The Forever Winter, it incorporates the autofac into its world building.
Being rich doesn’t exist in a vacuum but only in relation to other people, meaning if only billionaires survive, they’re not rich anymore. They need the poor majority.
The sad fact of money is its only worth something the moment it leaves your hands.
Electric Dreams did an autofac episode that was really good
Amazon: fake products AND fake reviews
90% of products in amazon are just marked up temu products lmao
Or aliexpress.
dead internet