Day 10: Hoof It
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Quite happy that today went a lot smoother than yesterday even though I am really familiar with recursion. Normally I never use recursion but I felt like today could be solved by it (or using trees, but I’m even less familiar with them). Surprisingly my solution actually worked and for part 2 only small modifications were needed to count peaks reached by each trail.
function readInput(inputFile::String) f = open(inputFile,"r") lines::Vector{String} = readlines(f) close(f) topoMap = Matrix{Int}(undef,length(lines),length(lines[1])) for (i,l) in enumerate(lines) topoMap[i,:] = map(x->parse(Int,x),collect(l)) end return topoMap end function getTrailheads(topoMap::Matrix{Int}) trailheads::Vector{Vector{Int}} = [] for (i,r) in enumerate(eachrow(topoMap)) for (j,c) in enumerate(r) c==0 ? push!(trailheads,[i,j]) : nothing end end return trailheads end function getReachablePeaks(topoMap::Matrix{Int},trailheads::Vector{Vector{Int}}) reachablePeaks = Dict{Int,Vector{Vector{Int}}}() function getPossibleMoves(topoMap::Matrix{Int},pos::Vector{Int}) possibleMoves::Vector{Vector{Int}} = [] pos[1]-1 in 1:size(topoMap)[1] && topoMap[pos[1]-1,pos[2]]==topoMap[pos[1],pos[2]]+1 ? push!(possibleMoves,[pos[1]-1,pos[2]]) : nothing #up? pos[1]+1 in 1:size(topoMap)[1] && topoMap[pos[1]+1,pos[2]]==topoMap[pos[1],pos[2]]+1 ? push!(possibleMoves,[pos[1]+1,pos[2]]) : nothing #down? pos[2]-1 in 1:size(topoMap)[2] && topoMap[pos[1],pos[2]-1]==topoMap[pos[1],pos[2]]+1 ? push!(possibleMoves,[pos[1],pos[2]-1]) : nothing #left? pos[2]+1 in 1:size(topoMap)[2] && topoMap[pos[1],pos[2]+1]==topoMap[pos[1],pos[2]]+1 ? push!(possibleMoves,[pos[1],pos[2]+1]) : nothing #right? return possibleMoves end function walkPossMoves(topoMap::Matrix{Int},pos::Vector{Int},reachedPeaks::Matrix{Bool},trailId::Int) possMoves::Vector{Vector{Int}} = getPossibleMoves(topoMap,pos) for m in possMoves if topoMap[m[1],m[2]]==9 reachedPeaks[m[1],m[2]]=1 trailId += 1 continue end reachedPeaks,trailId = walkPossMoves(topoMap,m,reachedPeaks,trailId) end return reachedPeaks, trailId end peaksScore::Int = 0; trailsScore::Int = 0 trailId::Int = 0 for (i,t) in enumerate(trailheads) if !haskey(reachablePeaks,i); reachablePeaks[i]=[]; end reachedPeaks::Matrix{Bool} = zeros(size(topoMap)) trailId = 0 reachedPeaks,trailId = walkPossMoves(topoMap,t,reachedPeaks,trailId) trailPeaksScore = sum(reachedPeaks) peaksScore += trailPeaksScore trailsScore += trailId end return peaksScore,trailsScore end #getReachablePeaks topoMap::Matrix{Int} = readInput("input/day10Input") trailheads::Vector{Vector{Int}} = getTrailheads(topoMap) @info "Part 1" reachablePeaks = getReachablePeaks(topoMap,trailheads)[1] println("reachable peaks: ",reachablePeaks) @info "Part 2" trailsScore::Int = getReachablePeaks(topoMap,trailheads)[2] println("trails score: $trailsScore")